
Chapter 107

Alessia's POV

Mum looked better today, it's been a while since I saw her look that agile. The wound she got from the last adventure had really gotten the best of her. We were all seated in the large dining hall having breakfast as a family. Grandpa Gregory's order.

Whatever was going through that old man's mind; I have no idea. It has been a long time since we were all complete at the table. Moreover, Allen and I have our meals most of the time in the kitchen with Cara. Eating at the dining table, seem to be too much hassle.

It just occured to me that I haven't spoken to grandpa Gregory, since our last encounter together. In actual truth, I don't feel any sorry for whatever I said. I said what I said, and he deserved to hear every word that came out of my mouth.

The table was quiet as a grave, the only thing that comes as a sound was the not so loud clanks of cutleries hitting the plate. Almost like we were being forced to come eat. Allen in his silly self; had started nudging me by
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