
111-The Battle

Rebecca’s POV

The Alphas, Betas, and Warriors have all landed. We are 6,000 strong, standing at the gates of the kingdom of the Vampires. The creatures look ready, but not for our overwhelming numbers.

“King Alfred, you and your creatures have brought death, destruction, and broken the peace more than I care to remember,” Patrick is talking. “Your time of death has been appointed. What followers submit and surrender will be contained but cared for.”

The King comes to the front. He looks weak, something is wrong.

“My beloved is dead,” King Alfred looks directly at Thomas. “I tried to turn her to save her, but the curse of your goddess was too much. Even as a Vampire, she felt the pain every time. I could not remove her mark.”

“She died the day you turned her. I have mourned the loss of my sister. I lost my mother to the grief of it. If you want to make me feel bad, it’s too late for that,” Thomas said, spiting.

“You drove her crazy for your own selfish pleasure,”
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