
Chapter 39 – Bernice returns to the palace

Landry’s POV

Landry finds Bernice sitting by a large oak tree. Her knees are pressed against her chest and her head is lowered. Her hair was covering her face, so he can’t see it at first. But as he approaches, she lifts her gaze to meet his and he sees the glistening of tears running down her narrow features and delicately dripping off her chin.

Her eyes were like small pools as tears filled them and spilled over her long lashes. His heart was breaking seeing her like this. He doesn’t ever want her to be hurt. He stands by her for a moment, allowing her to continue feeling her feelings. He knows this is a lot for her to take in. She just found out her family no longer needs her. Even though this was something she knew was going to happen eventually, Landry imagined that it wasn’t very easy.

“I don’t have anywhere to go,” she whispered, breaking her eyes from his and staring down at her trembling fingers.

This is the first time that Bernice has shown this level of weakness in front of
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