

Anna came around again, a few days after her last visit.

She sat on the bed while Hazel paced the room.

She crossed her arms, tapping her foot against the floor whenever she would pause and lean on her hip as she let out a pent up sting of complaints.

"I never see him around, I have barely caught a simple glimpse of him since the wedding day. It feels like I am going crazy... I cannot take any more of it." She complained, her voice strained and bitter.

Anna watched her with sadness and understanding as she ate the plate of cake in her had. Hazel had the maids bring her some, it seemed she was finally getting used to her new life. Except the part where her husband was determined to avoid her existence.

"I understand how you feel, I mean I cannot image it." Anna said, swallowing "This mansion is big and beautiful and has a whole line of servants at your beck and call but if you stay cooped up this long, you could go crazy."

" I wouldn't last more than a week in this state if it were
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