
“There is no decency in me”

“So you helped Julien’s mum plan this orphanage from scratch?” Elsida asked Landon in awe.

He was one of her closest friends in Luton prep, he made it somewhat bearable for her and she was immensely proud of how far he had come.

He had also grown into his features Elsida noted as her eyes did a double take on his broad shoulders and scruff of blonde hair gracing his chin.

Landon let out a coy laugh, “Well technically I’m just her project manager but-“

“Elsida darling, I’ve been looking all over for you,” Julien drawled as he placed a kiss on her cheek and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her flush against him.

“You have? you were very engrossed in your conversation,” she murmured as the shock of the sudden contact ignited flames down her spine.

“I have,” he muttered, his voice clipped as he pinned Landon with a murderous look.

Landon looked between the two of them, sensing the evident tension, he took a step back.

“Congratulations on your wedding guys, Elsida I’ve got to get
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