

No one will reap except what they sow.” -Quran 6:164

If you haven't prayed your Salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't

Happy reading…

Meerab p.o.v

We entered inside the cafeteria not before the security scanned our barcode through our Id.

" Why is there so much security ?" I asked Humza as we took a seat in the cafeteria .

These guys are really high tech … with tight high security like Saad has been keeping all the treasure from Ali baba chor here in his safe Walt .

" Saad wants everything to be perfect so that there is no room for error, " he says .

" But we are human being and will make mistakes right "

He gulped down his drink " yeah…. That's why he trusts machines more " he chuckled at the end and I forced a smile .

" He himself is a robot without any emotion and heartless '' I thought all the time he was just plain rude to me .

I gasp realising I just called the c.e.o of this company a heartless person, especially in front of his own brother .

Great ! Meerab G
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