

The galaxy was our light in every dark night, the brilliance in the velvet black

If you haven't prayed your Salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't

Happy reading

Noor aka Angel p.o.v

" So how is everything going " Meerab and I sat on the balcony after our fajr salah just like always .

" Alhumdulillah everything is going great in the office '' she smiled cheerfully and my heart felt at ease .

Seeing her happy makes my heart always overwhelmed .

Meerab has suffered a lot in her childhood. Now all I want for her is a happy and peaceful life and a man who loves her more than anything else in this world .

" Did you make any friends? " I sip my coffee .

" Yep "

" Sofia , Natalie and Humza " the moment she took her name I choked on my coffee .

" Are you okay? " Meerab was about to get up from her place but I motioned her to sit down .

" Sorry , so You mean Humza , our childhood friend ? " I pretended to be innocent .

" Yep and he became more handsome, " Meerab giggled .

" A
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