
Chapter 6: Fired

Trista’s POV

“Stop your foolish tricks! I haven’t even touched you for months! It can’t be my baby!” Liam spat out, his voice seething. “Who’s bastard seed is in your fucking womb, Trista. Who were you screwing around with?”

I gasped, shocked by his words. We’ve been together for three years, he should have known what kind of a person I am. “Liam, I never cheated on you. The baby is yours.” He must have forgotten the night he came home drunk from the pack social night. We had sex that night. It was about a month ago before we divorced.

Lucy looked nervous. She bit her lip. But then he started yelling at me and she relaxed. “Are you stupid?” he scoffed at me. “Do you think I want a blind heir? Blind like you and your useless wolf?”

“I…no…I,” I stuttered.

“It’s not mine,” he stated. “I can’t feel my heir. If it was really mine in that disgusting womb of yours, I’d be able to feel it.”

No, you wouldn’t, I said to myself. You already rejected me. Plus, the baby was still so tiny. Only six weeks old or so. He wouldn’t be able to sense it.

“Liam, please, I promise you, this baby is yours.” I tried to reason with him.

“I don’t care either way,” he said. “It’s the pup of a dumb, blind bitch. Go find someone else to raise your useless spawn.”

Lucy giggled then and he wrapped his arm around her. His words stung. This was his child! How could he be so mean to an unborn child? The child was innocent. Did he really hate me that much? So much that he denounced his own child? That he would HATE his own flesh and blood?

“Excuse me,” she said, calling over the manager. “We have a problem here.”

He came right over. “What can I do for you?”

“Well, we came in today so I could pick out some jewelry. My husband here, Liam, is the majority shareholder of your company. He wanted to buy me something nice. But this,” she waved her hand dismissively at me, “this little worker here, she’s crazy. She thinks she’s pregnant with my husband’s child! I’m embarrassed for her, really. But she’s causing all sorts of problems for us. All we want to do is shop.”

My jaw fell open. My manager looked from them to me then back to them. His eyes narrowed. “I am SO sorry,” he said to Lucy and Liam. “Trista, you’re dismissed. Go gather your things.”

“You’re firing me?” The words sunk in. “But I’m pregnant. You can’t fire a pregnant woman. It’s against the law.”

My manager turned to me, nostrils flaring. “You have upset some VERY important people,” he said through clenched teeth. “You are nothing compared to them. I don’t care if it’s against the law, you are fired, effective immediately.”

“But I…”

“No buts. Leave. Now. I hardly think you have the money for a lawyer anyway.” His eyes scanned my thrift store clothing. Lucy was decked out in designer clothes from head to toe, complete with a Chanel handbag and Louis Vuitton pumps. I looked ragged and haggard next to her.

“Stanley, is it?” Lucy said, reading his nametag. “I assure you, Stanley, that we are most gracious for your excellent service today and we will remember you.” She smiled sweetly at my manager. He smiled back and nodded curtly.

“My pleasure,” he said. “I apologize. I didn’t hire her. Someone from HR did. Clearly, they didn’t know she was riff raff.”   

The next thing I knew, two security men were grabbing me by the elbows. They dragged me right out of the building and tossed me out into the street, even though I was still wearing my work suit. People side-eyed me and smirked. I was so humiliated, I wanted to cry. But I blinked back the tears until I got home.

When I was safe inside my apartment, I sobbed. I was obviously completely dead to Liam. He wanted nothing to do with me or his unborn child. I would never be allowed back into the pack, or any pack probably for that matter.

So what was the point in staying in Summerset? Other than Hazel, I had no reason to stay near the wolves.  

The tears streamed down my face as I choked on my sobs. I felt so powerless. So helpless. I didn’t even have a job! How was I supposed to support a child?

I placed my hand instinctively on my stomach.

No, I couldn’t just give up. My baby deserved better. He or she deserved to have a loving, stable home. The baby’s father may have abandoned it, but the baby still had me. And I owed it to this baby to get my shit together and be strong.

My mind flashed back to the email JL had sent me when they offered me the internship. A thought bolted into my mind then.


The address for the head office had been on the email.

The head office was in Milan.

I didn’t know much about Milan, or even Italy for that matter. I’d never been to Europe. But what did I have here?

Nothing. There was nothing keeping me here.

So, in a moment of boldness, I opened my laptop and purchased a one-way plane ticket to Milan. I used all the money I had left, but I felt good about my decision.

A fresh start. A new life.

Yes. I could start over in Milan.

I picked up my phone and quickly dialed Hazel.

“Haze?” I said as soon as she picked up. “I know I promised I’d stay close by, but there’s been a change of plans. I’m moving to Milan. Oh yeah, and by the way, I’m pregnant.” 

Haze's scream was deafening, and before she asked a million questions, I interrupted her, "Keep it a secret from Liam. I don't have any more to do with him. Including this baby."

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