
Chapter 7: Milan

Trista’s POV

*Five years later*

“Billy! Belle! Lunch!” I called. My two precious twins came running in through the door. They just turned five and they’re one heck of a handful, but they’re the most wonderful children in the world. The sun streamed in through my oversized, floor to ceiling window. We sat at the table and I sighed with contentment.

I had thought I would have one lovely child, but didn't realize they turned out to be two. So I have both an adorable angelic girl and a smart and handsome boy. They made me the luckiest mom ever.

Just then, the phone rang. It was Jonhson, the CEO of JL Jewelry and my boss. He had also become a good friend. When I packed up five years ago and made the risky decision to move here, to Milan, he hired me on the spot. He said he saw ‘real potential’ in my designs. I was a little worried, because I was pregnant. Could I do this all on my own? But when the babies came, he gave me a generous bonus so I could afford the best daycare in Milan.

“Trista,” he said. “Yes. Thanks for taking my call. I know it’s your day off and you’re busy with the Double B’s.” That’s what he calls them, my adorable twins: The Double B’s. I shot a look at Billy and Belle, munching away on their pasta and my heart swelled.

“It’s okay,” I told him. “What’s up?”       

I usually tried not to take business calls on my day off. I worked hard, REALLY hard six days a week, so I needed one day a week of playtime and rest with my kiddos. But ever since I was given my own, separate line of business and promoted to Department Director, well, I had to take the odd business calls on my day off.

I fingered my necklace, one of my newest designs, forest-themed, of course. All my jewelry was. When I first started working in Milan for JL Jewelry, they asked me to submit some design ideas. My mind flashed back to the forest and my pack growing up. Sometimes, I still dreamt about Blue Moon Crescent Pack. It was my home, after all. And my first few months in Milan, my heart ached for my pack and the forest that surrounded it. So, I drew inspiration from the ancient redwoods and the sounds and sights of the forest. I fashioned my designs after the place that would always have a special place in my heart – home.

Who knew forest-themed jewelry would be such a hit! It took off like wildfire! We gave some samples to a few famous models, and they wore my designs during Milan Fashion Week. We sold out overnight! From there, I was offered my very own line. It’s called Tree Tall and I’ve been working my butt off ever since, building my brand and designing new jewelry.

“Great. Well, I have some news,” Johnson said. Belle reached for her orange juice but accidentally knocks it over. She gave me her ‘oops’ face. I smiled and wiped it up, cradling the phone between my ear and neck.

“Fire away,” I said.

“We’re taking a trip. A business trip. Overseas,” he said. My heart fluttered. That sounded exciting!

“Where to?” I asked as I wrung out the orange-juice soaked cloth.

“Mamma, more,” Billy said, holding out his plate. I scooped out more pasta while Mr. Jonson continued.

“It’s in the US. Just outside of New York. A smaller city called Summerset.”

 I dropped the cloth.


But that was…that was close to my own pack.

And his.

“We leave in a few days. Plan to stay for a while. There’s a company out there, a venture capitalist firm. They saw your designs. They might want to invest. You know? So you can form a separate company, like a sister company.”

My mouth opened but no words came out. Summerset? My heart lurched. I had been very busy the past five years, raising Billy and Bell, working, designing my jewelry.

But the sting of what Liam did…well…it never really went away.

Could I go back there? What if I ran into him? Him and that two-timing woman…Lucy.

“Trista? Hello? You still there?”

“Um, yes. Of course.”

“I’m really counting on you. This could be big, Trista. REALLY big.”

His phone came through the phone, kind as always. He had done so much for me. He’d given me this job, let me spread my wings. He helped out with my rent when I was at my worst. He brought me soup when I was sick and made sure I was never alone for the holidays. And every year, he came to the twin’s birthday, his arms full of presents. For awhile there, they wanted to call him Dad. I couldn’t ask that of him, though, obviously. He’d already done too much.  

“Trista, can I count on you? You in?” he asked.

“Yes,” I replied. I mean, Summerset wasn’t really THAT small. Just as long as we left as soon as the meetings were done. “I’m in,” I told him confidently.

What were the chances, really? Slim to none. I would go to Summerset, attend some meetings, and sign some papers. It was no big deal!

As long as I didn’t run into Liam, the man who had shattered my heart and cast me out from my pack five years ago, everything would be just fine.

I hung up and turned to my kids.

“Billy, Belle, eat up! Mommy needs to pack. I’m going on a trip!”

“Where to, mamma?” Billy asked, cocking his head to the side.

“Yeah, where to?” Belle echoed.

“Home,” I sighed. And then I crossed my fingers, for good measure.

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