
Chapter 2 : Kayla Reid

    When we make it across the border protecting our pact the air changes. We all look at each other realising something is different in the air. Kali seats up making sure she is on high alert and is ready for anything. She is always ready for a fight. Our driver keeps glancing as if we’re about to vanish. The silence gets deafening when a big crush sounds making us jolt. Three wolves come charging our way and we rush to get out of the car as soon as it stops.

      “Fuck!!” Kaze shouts “are we seriously being attacked the second we step past the pack barriers?”

      “They are not attacking they are from our pack” Kali says but she still looks ready for a fight. 

“Well they are attacking something” I say and the sound of my voice sounds foreign even to me.

  The werewolves crouch low, their claws scraping against the pavement as they prepare to unleash their fury upon the menacing creature before them.


  The battle starts, the air filled with the sound of growls and snarls, the clash of claws and fangs. The werewolves fight fiercely with something that seems to be some sort of a shadow.

  My sister growls just as I feel my wolf wanting to come out. Our wolves primal instincts drive them to overpower and protect because whatever that is, is making my skin crawl with unease and I’m guessing I’m not the only one.


  Even though whatever the fuck that figure is, is very powerful, it’s strength is no match for the raw power and collective ferocity of the werewolves. So when they pounce on it, fangs bared and biting it let’s out a cry and crumbles to the ground. 

In the last second before it dies, it’s bloodshot eyes meet mine. I look away quickly because that is making me feel uncomfortable. Like what the actual fuck was that!.

      One of the wolves stops in front us before changing back to human form. No wonder I didn’t recognise him he must be more than twenty years older than us. The driver hands him a towel so he can cover himself. 

      “Sorry Alphas we are dealing with a minor issue that will be sorted shortly” he says trying to seem like he is not worried but his eyes keep shifting and looking everywhere but never connecting with ours.

      “What is it? What happened?” Kali asks clearly also not believing him.

      “Uhh we got it handled Alpha. . .”

      “Tell us” I say

      “Well. . . We found a vampire lurking around here. His scent was masked but luckily we were able to locate him by the trails he left in the woods.”

       A vampire. Why would the be a vampire around here. Even they know not to mess with our pack.

      “Like I said before we’ve got it handled. You kids have a safe trip” he sprints back to where he came from not letting us ask more questions.

      “I’ll call dad” Kaze says bringing his phone to his ear. He talks for a minute then hangs up joining us in the car. 

    “What did he say?” I ask him.

    “He said not to worry about it and just go. I don’t think they planned on us finding anything out about this”

    No shit, our dad doesn’t like it if we’re in the middle of something he deems dangerous even though we are fully capable of taking care of ourselves.

    “I’ll talk to him later and find out more, I don’t have a good feeling about this”

    We all sit in silence knowing that whatever we have to forget about it and focus on getting done with this semester. And we all do a great job pretending nothing happened.

      The drive to DU takes us about six hours and I tried sleep some of them but between Kazes snoring and Kali talking loudly on the phone then watching videos without headphones because, why not, I couldn’t. I swear to god I’m this close to struggling this girl.

              “She looks mad, are you mad Kayla” says Kaze sipping from a juice box that was supposed to be mine. His voice is not touting but his eyes say it all.

              “I should have taken the opportunity to poison you too when I made those sandwiches”. Not that it would help seeing as they would easily sniff it out.

              “You love us.” Says Kali as she hugs me “so. . .where are our rooms, im ready to rest and recuperate before I check out the place.” She turns to me with a concerned look on her face “are you sure you don’t want to room together I’m sure we could get it done since not everyone has arrived”.

              Her question reminds me of the dreaded topic of having a roommate which makes me want to suddenly cry. Yes I am also very dramatic it runs in the family, keep up. 

            When I take a deep breath to calm myself I meet Kalis eyes and realise she’s still waiting for an answer from me.

              “no. it fine, I’m fine” I say then I shake my hands because they are suddenly sweaty, and my mouth has gone dry. I’m fine it’s just that what if I have roommate who hates me for no reason or who can’t pick up after herself then what. I guess I’d have to confront her or something and what if she wants to beat me up and I get suspended and I end rotting at home and get pregnant by some random guy who already has four kids that he doesn’t take care of. What if she’s also an alpha female and we butt heads, my wolf gets territorial sometimes. I breathe deep long breaths before I turn to my siblings again and give them my most fakest smile yet. 

              “Okay so we’re all good, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, I’m going to my room now”

              “well that leaves us with nothing then, you’re a saint sis” Kale shakes his head as if that is the most ridiculous thing ever which by the way is not.

              “and you are a heathen through and through.” I pull one of my suitcases up and its so heavy im not sure ill be able to lift it up the stairs without falling a few times and  that would be embarrassing as hell. Woman from the Shadow pack are not known for their strength only male alphas have inhumane strength the female alphas are the fastest which is enhanced by their agile bodies. Too bad that doesn’t help me right now. “can you help me with this”

              “uhm no thanks” he swings his bag over his shoulder grinning at the face I’m making “see you around losers”.

              “What a gentleman.” Kali says shaking her head at him.

              “you owe me, you little shit” I shout the words at him.

              “are you sure you want to use up your favour on something like this” he lifts his one eyebrow up knowing too well the answer is no. then he proceeds to make his way to the designated male buildings for first years.

              “forget him I’ll get someone to bring the bags up for us, you can go ahead find out our room numbers and pick up the keys” she fixes my hair as she speaks and I’m suddenly aware of how tired I actually am.

              “fine but I need your student number, I think”

              “oh please don’t act like you don’t already have that memorised. Go ahead. You need rest like really need it those dark cycles are not  pretty, tired is not your look. I should know we have the same face”

              “yeah insult me like you always do I’m seriously going to disown you one of these days” I roll my eyes.

              “move along let me work my magic” she says after spotting a few guys coming our way.

              I do as she says walking towards the RA and Wardens office to get our keys. There’s a few people in front of me in a line but luckily its over quick and they give me my sisters keys without a problem seeing as we share a surname. I text her the room numbers and by the time I make it to the second floor which Kali is at with three guys in front of her room which is already open, guess her roommate is has arrived. I peek my head in and say “ohh nice room, see you later” I throw her the key then make my way to the fourth floor. She texted that my things are in front of my room after I told her which one was mine. These steps are probably meant to keep us in shape, they suck.

              When I finally make it to my room I find out that my roommate has not arrived which is a win for me because I get to pick a bed. I pick the one near the window and after a few minutes watching the cars drive around and people take walks from the view of our window. The quiet is good for me since my wolf likes it like that. We can’t talk to our wolves but we can feel their emotions. And when we change forms we see through their eyes and they take control. You can choose the name for your wolf but honestly nobody does it because assume everyone feels when I first felt the connection with my wolf. You realize that the connection is so strong that you feel like a better you, like you are born again. Like the 16 years before didn’t feel complete without your wolf lurking in your mind. Unlike before when we feel our connection with our wolves we don’t instantly know who our mate is. We date who want and when we feel like they are the one we let our wolves decide if we are compatible or not. If not we break any bond we had created with each other. Decreasing the chances of people getting rejected by their mates. After a while I lay on my unmade bed and fall asleep.

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