
Chapter 3 : Kayla Reid

I wake up three hours later because my phone is vibrating somewhere and then I check it and find out that it’s my alarm. When I was asleep I’m certain I thought red eyes we’re watching as I slept.

Shit I can’t believe I let this morning get to me.

I have to get something to eat at the cafeteria before everything is gone. I take a quick shower then make my way there which admittedly I do get lost once but I end up following a group of students who are expressing how hungry they are, figured they would be looking for the same thing I am. When we arrive I take the table that is far away from almost everyone’s line of site but also not at the back because that’s where most people are sitting. I send a text to Kali and Kaze in our group chat to meet me here then wait.

              As I wait I scroll through my socials looking at most of my peers posting about their arrival to wherever they are taking the next step in their life including my siblings. My brother took a photo from the same view as mine but different angle with a caption that is so cheesy I can’t even repeat it in my head and my sister posted a photo with her roommate who looks like the human version of Barbie. They are both smiling at the camera and its captioned roommie with a bunch of hearts. I like the photo but when I’m about to comment a few fire emojis I feel a tap on my shoulder. It makes my wolf alert as I start feel as if she ready to pounce if need be.

              When I look up I kid you not I feel like the fire emojis are in my eyes. A pretty guy is staring down at me with a little frown on his lips. The scent he emanates is orchids and smoke and is clearly of a powerful Alpha He is so pretty I have to look away then look back at him just to make sure he is real. And he is.

              He looks like the most enchanting angel to ever exist. He looks like he bathes in milk and has never needed a toilet, his skin is so. . .

              “hey can you move we usually sit here”

              And he opened his mouth ladies and gentlemen. “you just had to ruin it .”I sigh and go back to my phone ignoring what he said. Male Alphas are the worst sometimes.

              “what?” he looks at his friends who are also handsome as fuck but in a different way than his they are clearly both Alphas too. I also take the time to take a quick look at them. The one on the right has messy curly hair that make him look like a golden retriever personified and is tall as fuck and the one on the left has long hair tied in a ponytail and has really full lips. He also looks like he doesn’t want to be here. 

          I quickly go back to scrolling before they think I’m ogling them.

              “can you move we have somewhere to be after were done here” the one who looks like an angel says again.

              I pause my strolling again and look at him, yep still pretty as fuck. “look this is not primary school, I sat here first and im not moving so I suggest you move along and next time come early if you want to sit here”

              He looks stunned as if no one has ever refused him ever in his life which I can bet my left tit might be true. He looks at his friends as if to confirm I’m real then brings his eyes back to me. “I just. . .we always sit here so. . .and you’re not even eating anything.”

              “Always? Didn’t the semester start like two days ago?” I ask again before he could answer the first question “And I’m not eating because I’m waiting for someone” not that I should explain myself.

              “Were on the soccer team so we’ve been here for a while, practicing”

              “oh congratulations” I say then I go back to my phone ignoring them yet again.

              “leave her be man she got here first anyway, let’s find somewhere else to sit” one of the guys says basically pulling him away. He walks away after looking at me then shaking his head as if he doesn’t believe what just happened.

              “Kayla oh my god what was Alvin saying to you. Did he want your number? Did he want to makeout? Make babies? Get married? Oh my god how do you know him?” Kali comes rushing in and sitting in the sit next to mine.

              “Has anyone ever told you you say oh my god a lot”

              “Stop stalling what did he want?”

              “Uh he wanted me to move from this table, obviously I refused.” I motion to the table as if she can’t see it.

              “What?” she looks at me like I have grown another head

              “Why are you looking at me like that? We’re not kids anymore Kali we can’t be pushed around by other people. It not like his father bought the table or something” I’m flailing my arms as I speak because I’m suddenly not sure I did the right thing by not moving like I was told to.

              Kali peeks at the side of the table then grins at me motioning me to do the same. I reluctantly do as she says “his father might have not have bought it but his mother sure did”

              I stare in horror at the writing that reads donated by Maria Walker. Yeah this sucks but it still doesn’t give him the right. I’m not even sure that’s really his mother.

              “I can’t believe this just happened, of cause something like this would happen to you” she throws her head back in hysterical laughter “this is so funny do you even know who he is”

              “no and I don’t care enough to. It doesn’t give him the right to bully others even if he were the son of the president himself”

              “well he might as well be” she says and I just stare blankly at her “he is the only son of Luna Maria Walker who is also the president of PE. He is the reigning Alpha of the Moonlight pack at his young age”

              “I know who she is it’s just that I didn’t know she had a son. She is such an aspiring woman it sucks that her son is a bully wanna be” I stand up ready to go order only for my eyes to meet Alvin who clearly just heard what I just said. For fucks sake now I feel bad. Kali starts laughing even more when she realises which just makes the situation way worse.

              Fuck this. I’ll just get my food and get the fuck out here. Well try again tomorrow.

              After I do just that and have made it to my room I realise that my brother didn’t even text us that he won’t show up so I write him a text cursing him out because why not. I go to sleep with the hope that tomorrow will be a better first day than any of the others I’ve had. When I’m about to doze off I get a text which for some reason I get the urge to read and I wish I never did.


              Hey princess it was nice seeing you today.

          From unknown


              The reason I’m so worried about this is because only a few people have my number and the is no one who calls me a princess amongst those people. So the only person I can think of is Alvin but how did Alvin get my number and why is he calling me a princess. Especially after what I said about him at the cafeteria. Is he really a bully? If he is then I’m so fucked.


          This is why I hate confrontations.


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