
Chapter 4 : Alvin Walker


    I didn’t realise that so much time has gone by since we’ve been training for soccer. Classes are about to start and some of the students are already here. I’m not going to lie I kinda liked the peace and quiet we had. It sucks that its all going to be over now and every move I make will be captured and talked about in all of social media.

    The invisible suffocating cloak that I always feel when I’m around other people is already starting to make its self-known. The thought of having to watch what I say how I say and to whom do I say it to, is so exhausting that I wish I can turn back time to the past few weeks where the only thing on my mind was just soccer, my pack duties and nothing else.

    It was better when the only people I had around me was my team.I had to work hard on trusting them and realising that not everything I say around them will be used against me like it has been before. Working on my trust for my team was the only option since it was starting to show on the field. Coach had to sit me down and explain that if any of the guys said anything that could paint me in bad light and ruin my reputation as an alpha of a big pack thus painting my mom in a bad light they’d be kicked out of the team faster than they can say goal. He also told them the same thing which made the guys a little reluctant to be close to me but we eventually found our safe ground which has been great. Now only if everyone else were down to respect my privacy.

    My mother is a powerful Luna and the president of PE which is a big deal, which also means shes almost always talked about on social media. She has been doing a lot of things for so many communities that the is a good chance she might win next year’s election to run the company and as her son people expect me to be nothing but perfect which is stupid if I do say so myself.

    Now don’t get me wrong I’m happy for my mom she had to sacrifice a lot to be where she is today but the spotlight I had on me ever since she started making an impact was not what I would have wanted for myself. She tried shielding me as much as she could given the circumstances but we both knew it hardly did anything. 

My father was the reigning Alpha of Moonlight pack before he died an untimely death. One of his associates injected him with wolfsbane mixed with silver. My mom didn’t shed a tear, she made sure the guy was found and executed she then called a pack meeting and announced that I would be the next leader. I remember her words before we went out there for my initiation ceremony, she said “I know we didn’t think this would happen right now and I know you feel as though you’re not ready but you are. I have seen you when you train, I’ve seen you following your dad around so you could learn as much as you can. This is your chance to prove to everyone that you deserve to be the leader of this pack. And if you can’t then fake it”

  I did just that. I faked it until I started feeling like I wasn’t anymore.

  Maybe that’s fake too.

    I pick up my phone from my night stand to text my boys so we can go get some food in the cafeteria only to find that my best friend Matty has already said we’ll meet there. Matty is my right hand man. He oversees everything around the pack and reports back to me. We have been friends since we were young, when he beat my ass in a sparring match.

  He never lets me forget it.

  I lock up my room and make my way down the hall. The pecks of being in the soccer team in that I get my own room and I plan on taking full advantage of it. The school doesn’t give a fuck if you’re a leader of a pack- since almost everyone is- but they do give a fuck if you’re on the soccer team.

    I get attacked from behind by none other than Matty while he messes with my hair and I try to swing at him but the sly fox just skips off.

    “I’ll get you for that one you asswipe”

    He chuckles flipping me off “let’s go eat dude I’m starving” I join him throwing my arm around his shoulders.

    “where is Jules, is he not coming”

    “he’s already inside” we look at each other then burst out laughing “that’s what she said” we holler at the same time then continue laughing like the childish fucks we are. Being with Jules and Matty is the only time I get to make silly immature jokes so I tend to take full advantage of it.We find Jules standing beside the table that is next to ours looking like a lost puppy.

    “what wrong dude why you standing around” I ask him while nudging him in greeting which he returns with a small smile. Jules is also my friend, we made friends with  him when him and his father joined our pack. He was quiet and weird but very fast. I remember we all went for a run and me and Matty were the only ones who could keep up with him.

    “some chick took our table” he gestures towards it with his chin.

    “you scared to tell her we usually sit there” i say

    “you know he is scared of woman right? He will not even look at them in the eyes” Matty says in a teasing voice even though it’s true. Jules is a very private so we hardly know anything about him but the thing we know about him is that he can’t even stand the thought of being alone in a room with a woman. We don’t know what happened but we’re just hoping it’s not something dark.

    “let’s go I’ll talk to her” I motion for them to follow me.

    “you mean flirt with her off our table” says Jules

    “I mean…if that what it takes” I joke as Matty high fives me. We make our way there finding a girl who’s busy doing something on her phone to pay us any attention, so I tap her on her shoulder. 

Damn she is gorgeous.

She is also an alpha which catches me off guard. In my pack few females are alphas and they don’t usually have this strong scent of power that is emanating from her. It makes my wolf stand on alert. She looks up at me her beautiful golden eyes widening a little when she sees my face.

Which I get a lot.

 Not to toot my own horn but I’m really good to look at. Girls love the way I look I’ve been called beautiful more times than I can count. But with her, it’s like her eyes sparkle when she looks at me. God, I hope she’s not some crazy fan even though that would explain why she’s sitting here looking at me like that. Maybe she was hoping to catch a sight of us. I sound arrogant, I know, but really what else am I supposed to think.

    I roll my shoulders back preparing for anything then say “hey can you move we usually sit here”

    “you had to ruin it” she says then she sighs.


    “What?” I look at Matty and Jules for help but they seem stunned as I am. “can you move, we have somewhere to be after we’re done here”

    The girl who seems to have more important things to do on her phone than to pay attention to me completely dismisses us.

    But more importantly she dismisses me.

    no one has ever done that before, whether because they know who my mother is or simply because of my rank and my looks but this girl does not give a fuck about me whatsoever. Which I’ll be honest sucks, and the fact that my friends keep laughing at me because of it makes me oddly want to get some sort of revenge on her. Which is stupid seeing as she had every right to not want to move from that table, I guess it was dumb of me to ask her to but I kind of thought people would realise that its us who sat there then they’d just leave us be, guess not. Matty ends up pulling me away after some back and forth between me and the girl. 


    “That was epic bruh, I can’t believe she shut you down like that” Matty shouts and I’m sure everyone can hear. Okay fine he doesn’t shout but he is definitely not using his inside voice.

    “Please don’t make it sound like I was making moves on her” not that I would ever make moves on someone like her.


    “She seems uptight” I say trying to cover up how embarrassed I felt especially when she said ‘oh congratulations’ in that bloody mean voice of hers when I told her we were on a soccer team and have been here a while.  

When I pass by her again she is talking about me still and it is not nice.

  She simply does not give a fuck.

    Jules sips his juice rather loudly “And you wonder why I don’t associate with that gender, they are savages” he shrugs.


    “uhg not you too” I take a big bite out of my burger ignoring their snickers “ that’s it I need new friends you too are fake as fuck”

    They start laughing at me some more by the time were finished eating I’m seriously considering finding new friends. When I’ve made it to my room I want to quickly fall asleep because I’m beat but I can’t stop thinking about that random girl who totally handed my ass to me. I think of her aura and little sparkling eyes did something to me, which they should have not by the way.

I also think about her wolf. Would it be honey coloured like her eyes and would it be soft looking or fierce like her. I can’t get my self to stop thinking about her. It’s just. . .not many people treat me like that, they either kiss my ass or are out to get me because they are against what  I and my mother stand for.


    But her…


    I wonder what her name is. It’s probably something proper like Margaret or like Cassandra. I smile because she does not fit those names but I’ll definitely be calling her that in my mind from now on.

    Not that I’m planning on thinking about her or anything.

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