
A naughty mate


We decided to always be there with our mates. Each of us took turns whenever we had to leave. For today, I was assigned to stay with her while the others left to check on the recent corpses. The killer had topped up their games. After the call he gave Summer, ten bodies showed up. And it had only been three days! Three fucking days.

It made little sense to me. Why was he doing all this? What does he hope to gain?

Luckily, he hasn't called Summer since that day. We kept her phone with us, waiting for him to call, but the bastard didn't. It seemed he somehow knew we were the ones holding the phone and refused to call, knowing we would answer it and trace him.

We didn't tell Summer about the recent deaths, realizing that would only bother her. We wanted to keep her happy and her thoughts away from the pack. This was one of the doctor's instructions.

“I want milk doughnuts,” Baby girl moaned, looking at me with puppy eyes. “Get some for me, darling. The babies are hungry,” she ad
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