

Lexi’s POV

It’s been three days and Ivan hasn’t stopped being sweet to me. Over the weekend, Ivan would bring me breakfast in bed claiming that I was vulnerable and shouldn’t be working.

Sighing, I looked through my closet as I searched for what to wear. It's a Monday and also my first time back in the office after what happened last week.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Ivan asked, raising an eyebrow as I turned to see him knotting his tie, “where are you going?” He inquired.

“Work, it’s Monday and I’m fine now, and…” I tried to explain but Ivan silenced me with a kiss instead as he pulled me closer to him.

“Oh pige,” he started with a sigh, calling me a pet name he’s gotten so used to, pige, which was short for pigeon sounded good to him although I’d never understand why.

“You’re staying home today,” he affirmed, releasing me to go back to knotting his tie while I stared at him dumbfoundedly.

“Why?” I finally asked, not understanding why he would want me to stay back home with Cel
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