
Familiar Eyes

Anna’s POV

8 years later

It has been eight years since that tragic incident and my life has been on a constant downhill. 

I was now a twenty-eight-year-old woman, living in a crappy apartment, working a job I hated but couldn’t quit either. 

Every day, I’d throw on this embarrassing miniskirt at the car company, where I worked as a car model just to make a few bucks. But even though I hated my job, it was all worth it just to be able to afford the basic things for my children.

I couldn’t give up now, I had to fight and give it my all “A few more hours Anna,” I muttered, pulling my mini skirt, hoping it was just a bit longer.

“Anna, get on stage now!” Our manager, Remi called, clapping his hands in urgency.

“God! I hate this job,” I groaned.

Today was the highly anticipated car launch of the Grayson Enterprise Family, and unfortunately for me, our manager Remi, had organized a show for the event, reserving the center stage just for me.

I heaved a deep sigh and turned towards the stage, already embarrassed of my outfit.

However, just as I was about to take a step towards the stage, Layla grabbed my hand and pulled me aside

“You must feel you’re better than the rest of us, don’t you Anna.” 

“What?” I asked in confusion 

“Don’t give me that bullshit! I know your secret, you’re sleeping with the manager, aren’t you? That’s why he keeps giving you all the good spots when everyone knows damn well, I should be the one center stage!” She snarled bitterly

Layla despised me and I could tell why. She was a vixen and reveled in showing her body off, whereas I was just doing this to make ends meet.

This car show was the biggest stage either of us had been on, so when our manager gave me the center stage spot, she didn’t take it very well

“The way I see it, you’re just jealous Layla. You should let go of some of that bitterness, it’s probably why you’re not center stage,” I said meeting her gaze with a blank expression

“How dare you bitch!” She sneered and hurried after me, as I turned to leave 

Her face flushed red with anger and she angrily pushed me. I lost my balance and was about to fall when I felt a strong muscular arm wrapped around my waist, catching my fall

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked, his voice soothing and deep 

“Yes, thank…” I started to say but when I looked up and saw his face, I froze and the words trailed off.

He had the most enchanting pair of blue eyes I’d ever seen, with cinnamon-dark hair that hung loosely over his forehead

“Damn.” The words left my lips before I could even comprehend my thoughts.

He smiled like he knew the effect he had on me, staring with a keen look in his eyes. 

This man seemed so familiar like we had met before, and from the way he looked at me, I could tell he felt so too.

“Hi, I’m Mark. Mark Grayson,” he said, pulling me back to my feet.

I was still lost in his eyes, something about them felt very safe and familiar, but I couldn’t tell what or remember anything about this man.

He reached out and brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear and for a moment, my heartbeat slowed.

“Have we met before?” He asked, quirking his eyebrows.

“Hi, honey!” A tall and slender woman quickly approached us before I could say anything. 

She wrapped her arms endearingly around Mark, leaned forward and kissed him passionately, then turned to me,

“I’m Mia, I see you’ve met my boyfriend,” she said, scowling at me.

“I’m Anna…” I said meeting her cold gaze with a gentle one, but before I could say anything else, she quickly turned to Mark.

“The show’s about to start honey. Go, I’ll meet you in a few.” 

My eyes were still glued on him as he walked away, wondering where I had seen that face before.

“Listen here tramp, Mark is my boyfriend and I don’t know or care who the hell you are, but I suggest you keep your hands away from my man if you don’t want me to teach you a lesson,” Mia snarled, then turned and walked away

I heaved a deep sigh, wondering why this strange woman was sneering at me when Remi beckoned for me to take my place on stage. So, I swallowed my pride, held my head up, and went up.

After the show ended, the manager pulled me backstage and handed me an envelope. It was the only rewarding part of this demeaning job.

I pulled out the stack of cash and counted through, but then noticed it was a little more than what I usually got.

“Umm Remi, there’s a bit more here,” I said, holding out the envelope.

He hung his head low, trying hard to avoid eye contact with me, and I could tell by his unease that something was wrong.

“What’s going on Remi?” I asked worriedly

“Just take the money and go Anna, you’re fired.”

“What? Why?” I asked, my mind running wild with questions.

“Why am I getting fired Remi?” I repeated, creasing my brows in anger.

“This is not my doing Anna. Apparently, you pissed off the boss’ girlfriend and now she wants you gone,” Remi replied. 

“The boss?” I asked in confusion.

“Yeah, Mark Grayson,” he replied.

Immediately my eyes widened in shock. “He’s the boss?” I exclaimed, and our brief encounter immediately replayed in my head.

“Yes,” Remi answered.

“His girlfriend said you were coming on to him, trying hard to seduce him and so she’s asked that I sack you.”

“Seduce him?” I repeated, still trying to process the situation.

“I didn’t try to seduce him; I was pushed and he caught me. He was there, you can ask him, I’m sure he’ll tell you,” I pleaded 

This job was not the most gratifying, but at least it helped pay the bills and take care of my children. I couldn’t afford to lose it.

“Please Remi, don’t do this. I need this job; I promise I didn’t try to seduce the boss. I only tripped and he caught me, that is all that happened.”

“I’m sorry Anna, but I can’t do anything. Clear out your things from the dressing room on your way out,” he replied and turned to leave.

“Remi please…I’ll do anything. I’ll take on extra shifts, clean the dressing room, anything. Please I need this job,” I begged desperately.

“Anything?” Remi stopped and turned towards me.

“Anything” I nodded in response.

“Well, I do have another offer but you won’t be working here, however, it’ll pay just as well,” he said and I beamed in excitement.

This turned out well after all, I no longer had to do this demeaning job and could still cater to my children.

“What’s the offer?” I asked excitedly

He leaned towards me and a wry smirk appeared on his face

“You’re a beautiful girl Anna and I like you. So, what do you say, we spend some nights together, say two or three times a week huh? I’ll pay handsomely.”

I stood frozen in shock, too stunned and insulted to say anything. Was I hearing this fool well? Did this bastard just offer me to be his call girl?

“So…want to come around my place tonight, have some fun?” He asked shifting closer to me.

I swung my arm across angrily, landing a heavy slap on his face.

“Keep your damn job!” I snarled

He held his face, nursing the red-hot prints on his cheek, annoyed and embarrassed.

“Security!” He immediately called and in no time, about three men approached me.

“Drag this bitch out!” Remi snarled and without wasting time, I was thrown outside the building.

Humiliated and afraid, I crouched down and picked up my belongings, trying hard to stifle the tears that welled up in my eyes. The cold evening breeze only served to rub salt in my wounds.

Alas, as I grabbed my things and left, I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. There was one constant thought on my mind, breaking me as I walked away,

‘How will I be able to feed my children?’

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