
Chapter  Sixty-Five

A mini god is a man with power…


“Jealous?” Mike asked in mocking tones though beneath that was a glimpse of hope. Hope that maybe Liza was jealous which could only mean she was getting to care as much as he did.

But this, she dashed with a snort of disbelief.

“Jealous? Of those girls? Not on your life sir.” Liza lied through her teeth brazenly.

“Hmmm! Mood killer.” Mike insulted.

“You are welcome. Now, tell me about yourself!” Liza commanded.

Raising a brow at this, Mike wanted to know where the audacity came from.


“Why? Because I’m your best friend and I want to know all about you.” She affirmed confidently.

“Best friend? Try again!” Mike snorted in disdain.

“Because I care? Would that do?” Liza asked softly.
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