
Chapter 56

Soon night befell them Cole stood in the corridor in front of his door quietly with his eyes closed. It was his ritual anytime his heart was frustrated and on this particular night, his frustrations were many. First was how to back out of the contract without disappointing Naya, second was how to get Bellini farms without causing any trouble. Third was what he was going to say to Brittany once he saw her.

All these thoughts made him worried and even kept him from going to his hotel room, he paced the corridors and stood in front of his door quietly. Luna cat walked to him with a thin smile on her lips. She tapped him gently and Cole opened his eyes slowly and looked at her.

“You don’t look well anything the matter?” She asked.

Cole shook his head “I’m fine”

“Are you sure? Because it’s written boldly on your face that you’re not well” Luna insisted.

“Just a lot on my mind please leave me alone,” he said and went inside the room Luna quickly followed.

She pulled out a tiny perfume
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