


With one swift motion, she sliced Charles' head clean off. I fell to the ground, and everything went dark. There was a moment of silence, and then Charles' head rolled to the ground, his body crumpling to the earth. As I watched, Zelda collapsed, and I saw her eyes roll back in her head.

The wolf pack that had been fighting alongside Charles began to retreat, their tails between their legs. I felt myself growing weaker, my vision fading in and out. But I forced myself to stay conscious. I had to see this through. I had to make sure Zelda was okay.

With my last ounce of strength, I scooped Zelda up in my arms and ran away from the battlefield. I could hear the sounds of the wolves behind me, but I didn't look back. I had to get her to safety. I ran until my legs were shaking, until I could barely breathe.

Finally, I reached the edge of the woods, and I laid Zelda down on the soft grass. Then, I collapsed beside her, my body trembling with exhaustion. I looked up at the stars ab
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