


My heart was pounding, my chest tight with anxiety. I felt like I was on the verge of a panic attack, my whole body trembling with nerves. The doctor's expression was blank, and I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

The seconds stretched on like minutes, and I felt like I was trapped in a nightmare, waiting for something terrible to happen. Then, finally, the doctor spoke. His words were like a wave crashing over me, and I struggled to comprehend what he was saying.

The doctor's eyes darting back and forth as if weighing his words carefully. As he spoke. “She's out of danger,” he said, but his expression was still guarded.

It was as if he were holding something back, and my instincts told me to press him for more information.

“As your Alpha, I command you to speak the truth and nothing but the truth,” I said, my voice firm and authoritative.

He hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and said, “She was poisoned.” My heart sank, and I felt the world around me crumble.
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