


As I stood there, gazing out of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the penthouse I was currently being held in, the neon lights of the cityscape below seemed to twinkle like stars in the night sky. But despite the beauty outside, I couldn't help but think about the storm of emotions swirling within me.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed on the glass table nearby, and I walked over to pick it up. Recognizing the phone number, I immediately picked it up. The mission must have gone well if they're calling me by this time, which means if Drake and his companions are dead, I can roam the streets as a free man.

"Alpha Lucas," her voice crackled through the other side of the phone, "we have a situation."

Okay, judging from her tone, something was definitely wrong. I clenched my jaw, knowing that when Vega used those words, it was never good news. "What's happened?" I asked as a frown formed on my face as i stared at the mirror in front of me

"Drake and his companions," she said, her tone heavy w
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