
Hospital For Her


"What is going on here?" Alpha Lucas inquired as he approached us, his eyes blazing with anger.

"Alpha Lucas, thank goodness you're here. These people are causing a ruckus here, " Nurse Jenkins exclaimed as she hurried to his side, though it appeared he wasn't interested in her explanation, judging by his expression.

"They weren't the ones causing a commotion when I arrived because you and your nurse were the one shouting," Alpha Lucas retorted, turning to give her a stern look.

"But sir ...." Nurse Jenkins was about to speak when Alpha Lucas cut her off by raising his hand in the air, stopping her from talking.

"What's going on here? Get everyone back inside; this isn't some circus." Alpha Lucas yelled

As soon as he said that, the crowd began to disperse, leaving only Nurse Jenkins, Drake, my mother, Alpha Lucas, the two nurses, and me in the clinic courtyard.

Amidst the fading echoes of the dispersing crowd, tension lingered in the air. Alpha Lucas scanned the scene, his p
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