
Chapter 26

Claire pov

I go into the bathroom and go through a routine of face care before brushing my teeth. When I sit to pee is when I let all my worries hit. Hunter will be our only pup and even though it is a hard pill to swallow I accept it. It hurts to think everyone else can pop out babies but me. I sigh and finish heading out to find food. As I look in the fridge I sigh. His mom had a point but it still hurt my feelings.

"find anything?",I jump I didn't hear Josh behind me.

"not yet, I reach up for a kiss, are you hungry?",he lifts me up and deepens the kiss.

"hungry for you little one",he grins into our kiss. I hug him and love feeling his arms around me.

I can feel his turmoil thinking I'm suffering and in a way I am but I won't admit to it.

"I could eat you too, I teased as he went to deepen the kiss but my stomach growled. Josh chuckles and look down at my belly,sorry",I blush. He carries me to bed and returns to the fridge. He named off food and soon we were eating lasagna and garl
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