
Chapter 6

Jordan Evan's POV

I watched Solana clean the table after our breakfast. My arms are crossed against my chest while watching her every move. I'm still not convinced that she's the real Solana Stone. I want to know why she seems so shy and not as shameless as what the rumors said. I'm confused, though I enjoy watching her reactions everytime I tease her. Perhaps she's just pretending, but I already tested her. She looked so shy and tempted, but she rejected my attempt.

"I'm leaving," she said after putting the used dishes in the sink. She faced me. "Wash the dishes for me. I need to do something."

Whoa! She just asked a billionaire to wash the dishes. I want to laugh, but nevermind.

I shot one eyebrow up. Something? "Where are you going?"

Her eyes became untamed until she met mine and spoke… "I'll just get my clothes."

Clothes. Yeah, right. She can't use my clothes forever. I rose from my seat. "I'll help you."

"No need," she quickly refused and pointed at the dishes. "I want you to clean the dishes, Jordan."

I paused and chuckled. Bossy, eh? I wet my lips and looked at her from head to toe. "Are you sure you're going wearing only my pajamas and t-shirt?"

Her cheeks heated and I chewed my bottom lip because of that. She frowned at me. "I don't have clothes, Jordan. And I'll ride a cab, I'm not gonna walk."

I laughed. "Feisty!"

She frowned even more and grabbed her cellphone and wallet on the table. She looked at me again. "Wash the dishes, Jordan."

I nodded as I stared at her face while grinning. "Sure. No cheating, alright. No flirting."

She looked at me, annoyed. Now, now. I can completely see her side that's aggressive and gets easily annoyed. Her eyes are sometimes blank, but whenever she loses her control, she would blush and show different emotions in her eyes. I can say that she's completely unaware of that.

She rested her hands on her waist as she faced me. "I said I'm just gonna get my things. What the f-ck, Jordan."

I bit my bottom lip and stared at her slightly protruded lips. Why does her lips look so tempting?

I brushed my fingers against my hair and looked into her eyes again. "Your mouth, Solana. Want me to kiss your mouth clean?"

Her eyes widened and became untamed. "Shut up!"

I burst into laughter after she left in a rush. I shook my head and went to the sink. I chuckled and stared at the dishes. I glanced at the kitchen entrance before lifting the sleeves of my polo up to my elbow. I wore the apron and started washing the dishes. Why did I wear long sleeves, anyway? Luckily, she didn't pay attention to my attire.

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps coming. I lifted my chin and saw Zacharias coming. He was carrying a paper bag and his eyes widened after he saw me doing the dishes. He quickly put the paper bag on the table.

"Sir, let me do that."

I chuckled and shook my head. Zacharias Hudson is my assistant. "I can do this, Zach. Eat the food you bought. I already ate."

He was even more shocked at what I just said. He gasped. "Sir?"

I grinned. He knew that I'm a picky eater, that's why he bought breakfast for me. I never eat food that wasn't cooked by a professional chef, so he always bought me food from a high class restaurant. Hearing me say that I already ate shocked him.

"Sir?" He asked again.

"Come on, Zach," I grinned even more. I glanced at him."Did you get my motorcycle?"

He cleared his throat and quickly nodded. "Yes, sir. Second hand of a cheap price. I parked it in front of the house."

I smirked and gave him a thumbs up. "Good job, Zach."

"…And your meeting is about to start. I'm sorry, but this meeting has been moved thrice, so you don't have a choice but to show up," he added and I groaned. Ah, yeah!

*** Solana Stone's POV

I chewed my lower lip and entered the Stone family's house. I wet my dried lips and found my adoptive parents sitting on the long couch. While on the single couch, I saw Agatha sitting like a queen. She immediately spotted me entering the house. She grinned, obviously mocking me.

"Solana, you look so ugly," she mocked but I ignored her.

I walked towards my adoptive parents' place. Lolita lifted her chin and looked at me. She grinned as she looked at me from head to toe. "Oh, look at you, Solana. How's your night? Looks like your husband squashed you real good, huh?"

I sucked my breath and remembered my dream. Damn it!

Agatha burst out laughing. "Yuck! You looked like you've been f-cked so hard, Solana. I pity you. Jordan Evans is just hot but he's still poor. Oh, look, he didn't even accompany you here."

"I don't need him to accompany me here, Agatha. I have legs. I can walk on my own. I'm not like someone who can't walk without having a dude beside her," I said as I gritted my teeth.

Agatha looked at me annoyed. "Are you pertaining to me?"

"Shut it, Solana. Don't you dare insult my daughter? Why are you even here? You shameless dirty woman?" Lolita growled at me.

I balled my fists and clenched my jaw. I am not here to hear their insults. I came here to get the money for Martha's medical expenses. I sucked my breath, keeping my cool. I don't wanna burst here. I need to go straight to the point.

I looked at Lolita and Robert, my adoptive parents. "I need the money now."

Lolita grinned and rose from her seat. She crossed her arms. "As expected. Solana, I can't give you the money. I have so many things to buy and Agatha's birthday is coming."

My forehead creased. Irritation filled me as I sucked my breath in so much anger and frustration. "W-What are you talking about? You won't give me the money you promised?"

Lolita chuckled, mocking me. "So, what?"

I laughed without humor. "So, what? Agatha's birthday is more important than a person's life at stake? What is this?"

She's insane! How could she trick me like this? I was hoping that she has even a droplet of sympathy, but I was wrong. I was totally wrong.

Her eyes sharpened. "I don't care about that woman, Solana. Don't you dare speak to me like that."

I felt tears pooling at the corner of my eyes. I swallowed hard, trying to suppress my cry. I sucked my breath again and slowly shook my head. "Why did I even hope? Why did I even trust you? This family is bullshit, anyway."

My face became numb after Lolita slapped me real hard. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I felt the stinging pain on my bottom lip. I licked my lip and quickly wiped my tears as I faced Lolita again with a stern gaze. "I should've never hoped."

"Leave, Solana! You don't have the right to insult my family. You're not even part of my family. Leave, you ungrateful dirty woman!"

Ungrateful? She expects me to be grateful? For what? For adopting me? I'd rather live on the street than be with them.

"Lolita…" Robert, my adoptive father, attempted to stop his wife, but he's too coward to make her stop. He's always like that. He always wanted to help me, but eventually, he'd always step back.

I pressed my lips together and balled my trembling fists. I swallowed hard and lifted my chin. My heart is ripping apart. I pity myself for trusting these people. I was so stupid to believe in their words. They were never true to their words, anyway. They just tricked me into marrying Jordan Evans to save Agatha.

I was a fool. I married for money, but look what happened.

"Yes, I'm not part of this family. I am actually happy that my blood isn't the same as yours," I said with a grim face and cold voice, insulting them.

Agatha glared at me. "You bitch!"

I inhaled roughly and clenched my jaws. Instead of having an argument with these people, I'd rather find a way to earn enough money for Martha's medical expenses. This conversation is nonsense, anyway. They won't give me the money they promised.

I licked my bruised lips and started walking away, trying to leave but someone blocked my way, shocking me.

A familiar manly scent filled my nose, introducing me to the owner of the body blocking my way. My lips parted as I lifted my face and met a familiar pair of dark eyes looking down at me. His strong physique and familiar figure shocked me big time. Why is he here?

My heart raced as his eyebrow furrowed after seeing my face. W-Wait, did he hear everything?


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