
Chapter 5

Solana Stone's POV

I was unable to sleep anymore after I woke up because of my dream. The picture of us on his bed keeps on lingering in my mind as I cook our breakfast in the kitchen. The sausage almost got roasted because I was too preoccupied. After cooking, I went to the guest room and heaved a sigh before knocking on Jordan's door.

I chewed my bottom lip. I've been trying to keep my composure and cool because I don't want to show him that he affects me so much, especially in a silly way.

The door swung open. I opened my mouth to speak, but my words were left hanging in the air when I saw his naked body again. My eyes traveled down to his waist, only covered with white towel. Oh, damn!

I sucked my breath and quickly lifted my chin to meet his eyes. My lips parted upon seeing a playful smirk curving his lips.

He wet his bottom lip. "Good morning, babe."


My breathing hitched as I remembered my dream. He called me babe in my dream while we're having sex. I hid my hands and pinch my fingers, trying to regain my cool.

I cleared my throat. "Ah! G-Good morning."

Damn it! Why am I stuttering? This can't be. He will find out. I quickly shook my head and spoke again, more calmed and composed this time. "I cooked our breakfast."

He stepped out of the bedroom while locking our gaze. He faced me and I rested my back against the wall while looking up at him. He's towering me again, and this is not good. I tried to escape but he put his arms on my both sides, cornering me between his naked body and the wall behind me. I gasped. His face was serious. He was just staring at me, watching my reactions.

"Jordan…" I tried to push his chest but I felt like I was burned. I quickly pulled my hand again and swallowed hard. "W-What are you doing?"

His eyes darkened even more. His jaws clenched. "Seducing you."

I gasped. "Huh?"

The corner of his lips rose. "I'm seducing you, Solana. Is it working?"

I quickly shook my head and tried to push him again, but he caught my wrists, shocking me. I looked at him with my eyes so wide. He then licks his lips, keeping the playful grin on his lips.

He leaned closer to me. I tilted my head, avoiding his lips. "Is it working, Solana?" He whispered.

I squeezed my eyes closed. My knees are trembling. I know I'm sensitive because of my dream last night and here he is, trying my best of luck to refuse the temptations. I swallowed hard and opened my eyes. He's still leaning on me. I can openly see his pierced ear and his wet long hair is wetting my cheek.

I held my breath when I felt his warm and soft lips kissing my neck. My eyes widened. I put my palm on his shoulder to push him away, but my body seems to be a slave to him. I squeezed my eyes closed when his lips started planting soft kisses on my neck. It was so soft. So hot. So tempting.

"I love your smell, babe. You smell so delicious," he whispered between his sensual kisses and that's when I realized what's happening.

I quickly pushed him away and palmed my neck where he kissed me. He took a single step backwards, giving me back my personal space. He shot one eyebrow up as he watched my face. My chest is moving up and down rapidly. I felt offended. It was as if he's testing my capabilities to handle the temptations being fed to me. He was doing this on purpose and I gave in.

I angrily met his stern eyes. His jaw clenched after he saw my reaction.

"Don't you dare do that again, Jordan," I said with a voice so cold and angry.

I turned my back on him and was about to leave when he grabbed my elbow and made me face him again. I was caught off guard when he searched for my eyes after he released my arm. His dangerous eyes locked with mine as if he lost his patience.

"Who are you really?"

I sucked my breath. W-What? I don't know how to answer that. Is that why he's trying to seduce me? He wants to prove something?

I slowly shook my head. "What are you talking about?"

He lifted his chin and brushed his fingers against his hair. He wet his lips and bore his eyes to me again. "I have heard rumors about you, Solana. People are fiercely proving that you're an indecent woman and yet you're acting the opposite. Tell me, are you pretending to be innocent or you're not the real Solana Stone?"

I balled my fists and swallowed hard. This is insane! Agatha's reputation is ruining everything. I can't let him discover the real situation here.

I gathered all my courage and looked at him in the eyes. "You have heard rumors about me. You must've known that I only seduce those who passed my standard. Jordan, this marriage happened because of our parents, not because I want to."

I saw his jaw clenched. Anger filled his eyes as his gaze became intense. "So, I failed to meet your standard, then? Is that why you weren't seduced?"

Licking my lips, I slowly nodded. I was trying so hard to hide the worry and fear in my eyes. I was thinking of another reason to make him believe in my words when he nodded and heaved a sigh, defeated. He clenched his jaws and brushed his fingers against his wet hair again.

"Alright," he said and paused. "I understand it now. Since you confessed that you don't like this marriage. Let's talk about some common rules."

Rules. My lips parted and I nodded in agreement. He wet his lips. "You go first."

Alright. "Uh… I don't want you to meddle with my personal life."

He shot his eyebrow up as if he didn't like it. "We're married, Solana."

I glared at him. "Jordan!"

He heaved another sigh. "Fine. Another one?"

I shook my head. "That's all I want."

The corner of his lips rose. "Really? But I have a rule that will oppose yours. I don't want you to seduce another man, Solana."

My lips parted in shock. "W-What?"

He thought I wanted that rule, so I could seduce another man? That's offending, but it's better he thinks that way.

"I have friends, too. It's too embarrassing to see my wife seducing another man. I can't let that happen, you know," he answered and smirked.

My breathing hitched and my heart raced. For what reason, I'm not sure. All I know is he affects me everytime he talks or moves. Is he aware that he's sexy everytime he smirks?

He tilted his head. "Will you do that for me, Solana? Will you avoid other men, so I won't meddle with your personal life?"

I fell into deep thoughts. If I agreed immediately, he would suspect me again. I sucked my breath and looked into his eyes. Annoyed expression is visible on my face. "You're controlling my life, Jordan."

He cocked an eyebrow again and shook his head. "No. I'm not, Solana. I'm doing this to protect this marriage and my reputation. I can fulfill your desires, woman. You have a husband to do that."

My knees trembled because of what he said. For the third time, I remembered my dream. F-ck this! Is he seducing me again?

"So?" He grinned. "Will you do my condition or I will meddle in everything you do?"

I chewed my bottom lip. This man is cunning. He knows how to manipulate things and turn the tables around. He f-cking knows how to play his cards so well. He's a badass!

I squeezed my eyes closed. "If I do your condition, what will happen to mine? You totally oppose my rule, Jordan."

He chuckled, something that made my heart skip a beat. This is bad!

He licked his lips. "Oh, babe. This will benefit the both of us. Don't worry, I'm confident I can make you happy in bed."

My eyes widened. "What the f-ck!"

He laughed. "Watch your mouth, woman. I might bite that dirty tongue of yours."

I sucked my breath and squeezed my eyes closed. I looked at him again with stern eyes. "You can't sate me, Jordan."

He gripped the knots of the towel in his waist, which I totally forgot. He smirked. "Wanna try?"

I immediately looked away, panicking. I felt my cheeks heated because of what he said. This man! Really. I hate him already.

I swallowed hard and courageously faced him again, ignoring the tingles in my body. "I'd rather not."

His forehead creased. "Are you sure? I can show you my skills in bed, Solana."

I looked at him angrily. "Shut up, Jordan. Fine! I'll do your condition and you'll obey mine."

He smirked. "Good choice, Solana."

I froze when he caressed my chin before entering the bedroom, leaving me shocked and unable to move because of what he did. My heart is racing. He just touched my chin, and looked at how he affected me.


I jumped in shock when the door swung open again. Jordan looked at me and chuckled. "Daydreaming, eh?"

I glared at him and started walking away while he burst into laughter. Damn him!

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