
Chapter 4

Solana Stone's POV

I don't know how it happened. I don't even know how he managed to take my clothes off. I was so whipped. I was so drunk with the pleasure he's giving me. I just found myself lying on top of the bed, naked, with him between my parted legs. My heart is racing. My hands couldn't find the place to hold on to. I was so lost in pleasure as he nibbled my lips, licking it afterwards.

"Ah!" I moaned and arched my back when I felt the rough fabric of his towel against my now sensitive folds.

I cried when his hands started traveling all over my body until it reached the peak of my bre*sts. I sucked my breath and accidentally bit his lip when his fingers played with my sensitive bud.

A foreign feeling is consuming me wide-eyed. I wanted to scream and cry in frustration as I felt something in my loins.

I heard him groan and my fingers found his back. I scratched his back accidentally when his kisses trailed my jaws, down to my neck, nibbling and sucking my skin as if marking his property. He's so territorial.

I bit my bottom lip hard as my eyes rolled back in so much pleasure when he licked my skin. "Jordan!"

"Yeah?" He pant. "You like that, huh? You like that, my seductive tigress?"

I threw my head back when I felt his tongue twirling around the peak of my bre*st, playing with it. His hands are traveling all over my body. Touching my bare skin. His big palm was so warm against me. He's so rough against my softness.

"Ohhh!" I moaned louder as he palmed my other bre*st. I can't even recognize my own voice now.

He's making me feel so many foreign feelings that I never felt before. I feel so drained and weak. Tingles are everywhere in my body.

"Jordan, please…" I cried. I don't even know why I'm begging. What for? I can't figure it out. I just want him to make me feel better because I felt so hot. I felt so freaking hot that I would burst any time.

"Please what, hmm?" He whispered and went to kiss my cheek. His tongue found my ear. He licked and bit it gently, earning another sensual moan from me.

I opened my eyes and met his pair of dark orbs. I can see desire dancing in his eyes. His lips rose upon seeing me so drunk with pleasure. "Please what, miss? What do you want me to do?"

I sobbed. I don't know why. I just feel frustrated and drowned. "M-Make me… feel better."

He shot one eyebrow up. "Make you feel better…"

His fingers slowly ran against my body until it reached my creamy folds. I gasped as I felt his long slender finger teasing my opening. I jolted as he teasingly pushed forward and pulled his finger again.

Goddamn it!

"Like this, Miss Tigress?" He asked as he pushed his middle finger inside me at a very slow pace, teasing me.

It felt so weird having his finger inside me, but I like it. I like the pressure his finger is giving me. I squirmed when he started thrusting his fingers in and out of me. Slow, very very slow.

I held onto his arm and looked into his eyes. I want his finger, but it's not enough. I want something. Something that can certainly ease the pain of pleasure in my loins.

He smirked. "What is it?"

I squeezed my eyes closed when he started thrusting his finger again. This time, he added another one, making me feel a bit of pain.

God, it's so hot! I'm feeling so hot. I can't take it anymore. I want him to own me now. I want him between my legs, pushing and thrusting. Damn it! My mind has become corrupted because of this man.

"What is it, Solana?" He whispered in my ear. "What do you want, babe? I will give it to you."

I looked at him again, my lips are trembling because of his fingers doing their job. I inhaled and wet my dried lips. He's so dominating me and why do I like it?

"Own me, Jordan," I whispered, aching for him.

He looked at me with a creased forehead. "What? I can't hear you, Solana. Say it louder."

"I want you, too, Jordan. Own me!" I groaned, angrily.

He chuckled and instead of doing what I wanted, he withdrew his fingers and showed it to me. It was coated with my love juices. He smirked as he put his fingers in his mouth, tasting me.

What he did made me feel like burning. I gasped and my heart raced even more the same time my cheeks heated. "J-Jordan…"

"So sweet," he said as he showed me his fingers that are now clean.

I swallowed hard. I lost it now. "Jordan, please! Make love to me now. F-cking own me. Every inch of me!"

He chuckled and kneeled between my parted legs. He took his towel off as he stared at my folds. He smirked as he looked at my eyes. "So impatient."

I gasped in anticipation when he settled between my legs and leaned forward. He kissed my lips for a couple of seconds before I felt his length filling my core.

I sucked my breath as I felt how hard and massive he is. It was long and so freaking big. Tears rolled down my face as I scratched his back. I sucked my breath again so hard and that's when I opened my eyes for a realization that it was all just a dream.

A freaking dream!

I frantically sat on the bed, caressing my left chest, feeling my heart racing.

I looked around. I'm alone inside Jordan's bedroom. I palmed my face as I remembered how Jordan left last night after he teased me about our honeymoon. It seems like he noticed my uneasiness last night and insisted on sleeping in the guest room.

I gasped as I felt something weird between my legs because of the sensual pictures lingering in my mind. Jordan's body. His touch. His kisses. His playful smirk. His sinful lips.

Oh, God! Everything about him is a temptation.

Why did I dream of something like that? Was it because he kissed my forehead? Perhaps because of his playful jokes? Or maybe because I'm too whipped. Oh, shit!

*** Jordan Evans' POV

I messed up my hair as I sat on the bed. Shaking my head, I remembered why I couldn't sleep last night. I gave my bedroom to Solana. I let her sleep on my bed, when I can't sleep on another bed. As A result, I'm so f-cking sleepy.

I brushed my fingers against my long hair. It almost reached my jaws.

I heaved a sigh and remembered her innocent and shy face. I'm certain I heard the rumors right. The firstborn of the Stone family was known for being a bitch. She would seduce anyone who passed her standard but why does Solana seem to be the opposite?

I heard my phone ring, so I picked it and answered the call. "Hey, Scott."

Scott Merlin is my friend and the Vice President of the Muller Group. He's been my friend since High School, so I trust him so much. He knew about my plans and he agreed to it, supporting my craziness.

[Jordan, dude, congratulations!]

I smiled. "Thanks, man."

[You seem happy. How's the first night of being married?]

I chuckled and grinned. "Get married and you'll find out."

[Nah! I'm enjoying my life here. By the way, you know about your wife's reputation, right? Careful, man. I think you're already whipped.]

I creased my forehead. The rumor about her has really spread wide. And what whipped? I shook my head. "Gonna hang up now, man. Bye!"

[Hey, wait—]

I didn't let him finish. I just ended the call and shook my head again. I grabbed a spare towel in the closet and went to the bathroom. Glad, I brought my toiletries here last night.

While under the shower, I couldn't stop thinking about the rumors and how different Solana acted last night and yesterday. If she's a slut, she would've flirted with me and not the other way around. Her eyes are seductive yet blank. Her lips are innocently sensual and her shy face. Damn! Whenever she blushed because of my playfulness, I would forget about the rumors of her debauchery.

I wet my lips and pressed my palms against the tiled wall. Is she just pretending? For what?

I was pulled back from my deep thoughts when I heard soft and faint knocks from the bedroom door.

I grabbed my towel, turned the shower off. I opened the bathroom door and walked towards the bedroom door to open it for Solana but I froze when an idea popped up in my mind.

My eyes squinted as I remembered how her eyes feasted on my body last night. Slowly, an evil smirk crept on my lips.

So, let's see how long you can hide your true self, Little Miss tigress.

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