
Chapter 3

Jordan Evans

My forehead creased after Solana's eyes widened because of what the priest said. I want to laugh. What? She wasn't expecting a kiss? I thought the first born of the Stone family is liberated. Why does she look shy? Is she pretending? This woman is interesting.

I licked my lips and lifted her veil. She was looking into my eyes. Her eyes are strangely blank, but she can't hide that she's shy. Her innocent face is showing what she truly feels. This woman is really something.

I tilted my head and leaned closer, pretending to kiss her lips as I took a step closer invading her personal space. The intimate distance made Solana gasp. She nervously took a step backward, reclaiming her personal space. Avoiding my lips that attempted to own hers.

I hide my grin and move to kiss her forehead instead. I felt her stiffened.

What I did stunned her, and I chuckled at her reaction. I wet my lips again, drawing her attention even more. Solana couldn't hide her flushed face anymore as I stared at her with amusement dancing in my eyes.

I'm certainly enjoying the shy lady's reaction. She looked so cute although it confused me because she was acting opposite from what I heard about the eldest daughter of the Stone family.

Solana cleared her throat and looked away. I, then pressed my lips together, resisting the urge to smile because of her actions. Watching her entertains me in a good way.

After the ceremony, the guests congratulated us. I was just smirking at them, while Solana doesn't look happy at all. I wonder why?

"Ehem!" Someone cleared her throat, earning Solana and my attention.

Solana's face immediately turned blank again as she saw Agatha looking at me with a visible admiration in her eyes. Agatha grinned and grabbed Hans' arm. They stood next to each other in front of me and Solana. I already know her because Mr. & Mrs. Stone introduced her to me a while ago. She's the youngest of the Stone family.

Agatha smiled. "Hi, Jordan. This is Hans Wilson, my boyfriend."

I nodded and offered my hand to Hans. "Hi, I'm Jordan Evans."

"Hans Wilson, dude," Hans said and glanced at Solana. My forehead creased.

Solana was just watching us with a blank expression in her eyes. She shot her eyebrow up when she saw Agatha looking at me from head to toe. Watching her reactions excites me. What the hell?

"I bet you know Wilson Inc. Hans is the President of the company and they're known all over Asia." Agatha started bragging about Hans' company.

I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I know that company."

Of course, I knew that company. I bet either that they know the Muller Group. I am the President of that renowned company, but because of personal reasons, I'm pretending to be a useless idler. If not because of my mother's wish, I wouldn't be attending this wedding.

Agatha chuckled. "You know, they're good at handling their employees," she paused and caressed Hans' chest. "My boyfriend's company is one of the best companies in our country."

I smirked and glanced at Hans. The latter was obviously ashamed and uncomfortable.

"Jordan, do you have a job? You know, I can do something to help you. You can apply as a security guard in Hans' company," Agatha added.

I glanced at Solana and her jaws dropped. I looked at Agatha again and shot my eyebrow up. She's obviously insulting my life status.

Oh you, woman, don't know me completely.

I grinned.

Agatha swiftly caressed my arm while smirking. "So, what can you say?"

I looked at my wife again. Solana's eyes followed Agatha's hands. She lifted her chin and noticed Hans staring at her. She languidly heaved a sigh and looked at me again.

"Nah!" I laughed and shook my head. "I love the way I make my whole day a free time."

Agatha's forehead creased. "So, you don't really have plans to work? I'm glad my boyfriend is hardworking."

Oh, really?

I was about to speak again with the tiny woman beside me groaned, earning my attention.

"Please, Agatha. Shut it! If you want, you can work in your boyfriend's company as a security guard. You're free to do that."

Whoa! What was that? So fearless! I grinned as I stared at her slightly protruded lips. Now, I wonder what her lips would taste like. I should've kissed that rude mouth that just defended me.

I smirked and shook my head after Agatha dragged Hans away, leaving us without a single word. That was harsh. Agatha is obviously offended.

I looked down at Solana. I shot my eyebrow up after our eyes met. She immediately looked away, making me chuckle.

"W-What?" She asked without looking at me.

I grinned and licked my lips. "Look at me, Solana."

She heaved a sigh, as if gaining her courage before meeting my eyes. I smiled seductively. "I didn't know my wife is a tigress."

*** Solana Stone's POV

After the ceremony, Jordan brought me to a small but tidy house. It was just a single storey house with two bedrooms with bathroom, small kitchen, dining table for two and a living area. The house was made of concrete. It has a small porch and two step stairs at the front door. A typical small house and I like its simplicity.

I glanced at Jordan, who's opening the door. His suit is resting on his broad shoulder. His sleeves are folded to his elbow.

I lifted my wedding gown. It was heavy and I'm having a hard time finding the narrow steps of the stairs.

"Ah!" I screamed when my foot slipped. I thought I'd fall on the ground, but a strong pair of arms caught me by the waist, stopping my possible fall.

I gasped and met a pair of dark orbs staring back at me. I swallowed hard the same time my heart skipped a beat.

Jordan pulled me and carried me in a bridal way. My eyes widened. I shrieked and wrapped my arms around his nape. "Jordan!"

He chuckled. "Hold on, Solana. I'll just carry you."

I felt my cheeks heated. "I can walk."

"Hmm," he just hummed and smiled. "We're here," he added and made me sit on the wooden sofa.

He stood in front of me and searched for my eyes. "Are you hungry?"

I smiled and shook my head. I even wet my lips and roamed my eyes. The house is clean. I saw a few books on a shelf and they're fixed according to their sizes. I slowly nodded as I continued roaming my eyes around. Meanwhile, Jordan was watching my reaction. I can feel his stares.

"I forgot to get your clothes," Jordan broke the silence between us. "Go to my room and pick clothes from my closet. Use them for now."

I nodded and smiled. I'm actually uncomfortable with my wedding gown, so I obliged and went to the bedroom.

My cheeks heated upon seeing one bed inside. It was not that big, but it's good for two people. I shook my head. No! There's another bedroom here. I know we will sleep separately.

I chewed my bottom lip and picked clothes. The clothes are too large for me, but it's fine. It's comfortable.

Jordan entered after I got dressed. I watched him pick clothes from his closet. I gasped when Jordan lifted his long sleeves and completely took it off. My eyes widened. I can only see his back and broad shoulders. Damn! He's so sexy.

He moved as he got his towel. I can now see his side features.

My flushed face made him chuckle. "I'll take a bath. Wait, won't you take a bath? I have a spare toothbrush, soap and towel."

I looked away and shook my head. My face became even more hot as I thought of the reason why I can't bathe. I don't have spare underwear.

Jordan chuckled again. He stared into my face, watching my reaction. "No? What about… we shower together?"

My eyes widened as she looked up to him. What? I gasped when I saw his lips curved into a playful smirk. He's obviously enjoying my reaction.

My lips protruded as I frowned.

His laughter broke, echoing in the whole bedroom. "I'm just kidding, Solana. You're cute!"

I caressed my left chest after Jordan entered the bathroom. My breathing was rugged. I'm almost panting and my heart is untamable again. I wet my dried lips and swallowed hard, trying to calm myself. I looked around the bedroom, roaming my eyes and my gaze locked with the only picture frame resting on the bedside table. It was Jordan, and his face was serious. In the picture, he looks like an unkind gentleman, but in reality, he's a playful guy, something I never expected.

I heaved a sigh and whispered his name. "Jordan Evans…"

I squeezed my eyes closed again. Jordan Evans, an idler is a sweet talker and playful, huh? He's also… sweet. I chewed my bottom lip when I remembered how he attempted to kiss my lips but he ended up kissing my forehead instead. Damn!


I jumped in shock and met Jordan's dark eyes. He was drying his wet long hair with a small towel while looking at me, his stares drowning me.

My jaw dropped. He stepped out of the bathroom only wearing nothing but a black towel wrapped around his waist. The towel was too low that I could almost see his V-line. I gasped. I think after one wrong move, his towel would fall.

Jordan licked his lips. "You're calling my name. You like it?"

Right at that very moment, I felt embarrassment showering me.

I looked at his face, avoiding his body in which I failed coz I even counted his abs in my head. Six pack f-cking abs. He's so freaking god-like.

I saw his lips twitched, curving into a playful grin again. "Loving the view?"

Looking away, I tried to remove the picture of his perfect body in my mind, but I couldn't. Damn it, Solana!

"Solana…" He called me using his raspy voice.

I kept my head down, fixing my eyes on the floor, but my eyes widened when I saw his shadow conquering mine.

I jumped in shock when he dropped both of his hands on the bed, cornering me. I looked at him and I immediately moved backwards, almost lying on the bed because he was so damn close that we almost kissed.

Damn! He's at it again. Invading my personal space.

He grinned as he shot his eyebrow up. I swallowed hard when he moved even closer as I moved backwards. He licked his lips and his eyes darted to mine. He watched my face before locking our gaze again.

I chewed my lower lip. Thereafter, his expression hardened as he clenched his jaws. His playful grin disappeared and his face became dangerously serious.

I sucked my breath and squeezed my eyes closed after he tilted his head, attempting to kiss me. My heart was ramming in my chest as I anticipated for his lips to touch mine.

"Solana," he whispered. His hot breath kissed my face. "Solana, I want you…"

"W-What?" My lips trembled and I stuttered. I feel so embarrassed for expecting a kiss.

He clenched his jaws once again and put his forefinger under my chin. I shivered at the physical contact. I held my breath when his thumb gently caressed my bottom lip and then he spoke… "I want you, Solana. Are you ready for our honeymoon?"

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