
Chapter 2

Solana Stone's POV

The Stone and Evans family decided to have a garden wedding for me and Jordan Evans. It was a beautiful venue, could be a romantic one without Agatha and Hans, who keeps on glancing at me. Agatha is obviously enjoying this.

Wearing a beautiful wedding gown, holding a bouquet of flowers—I'm sitting on a white clothed monoblock. I'm patiently waiting for my unknown future husband, who's already 10 minutes late. There is also no trace of Evans' family, and I'm having doubts about it. I'm nervous. What if they didn't show up?

I swallowed hard and heaved a sigh. The participants are now getting impatient. I glanced at my adoptive parents at the corner, and they looked so pissed as well. I scratched my cheek. What if he didn't come? He's an idler. What if he dumps me?

The thought made me anxious. I chewed my bottom lip and looked around. I balled my fists. That man! I already hate him for making me wait like this. It isn't showing on my face, but I felt so embarrassed.

I saw my adoptive father, Robert, walking towards me. He smiled worriedly. "Are you okay, Sol? Don't worry. He'll come. I know their family. They don't break promises."

I pressed my lips together and nodded. Somehow, my adoptive father's assurance calmed me. But then, the guests' glances are bothering me. Why is he late? Or does he have a plan to attend this wedding?

"I'll go back to my place," Robert added, and I just nodded again.

Agatha suddenly cursed and rolled her eyes, earning the participants' attention. I stared at her with a blank expression on my face. What's her problem?

"Are they really coming?" It was Agatha, who's causing a scene.

My forehead creased. I'm already in so much embarrassment. What is she doing? She looked so pissed and impatient, as if she's the bride. Has she lost her mind?

"Mom, dad. Are they really coming? Or that Evans lost his balls? Running away, eh?" Agatha added and laughed.

I gripped the bouquet. I haven't met my future husband, but I felt so uncomfortable hearing someone insulting him. Yes! I'm pissed because he's making me wait too long, and he's putting me in embarrassment, but it pisses me off even more hearing Agatha insulting him.

I clenched my jaws, restraining my anger to confront Agatha about her attitude. She's not helping. She's even making the situation worse.

Agatha laughed. "I bet he's ugly, that's why he's not coming. The nerve of that dude to make us wait. A total coward, right, Hans babe?"

The participants started whispering, talking about Jordan Evans. The people whispering is irritating me so much. I squeezed my eyes closed, unable to take it anymore. Agatha can't really stop being nosy. She's like a child deprived of attention.

Agatha groaned when her father tried to stop her. "Dad, he's not coming, okay. He's late! If I were the bride, I wouldn't allow my groom to make me wait this long. That lazy person deserves a good slap."

I stood in front of Agatha, who grinned and shot her eyebrow up. "What? I am right, right? Damn! He's a complete coward, unlike my Hans."

"Shut up, Agatha!" I growled at her.

Agatha grinned at me sarcastically. "Oh, you're so scary, Solana. What? You're ashamed? You should be. This wedding sucks."

I rolled my eyes and lifted my chin, ignoring the embarrassment. "Stop it, Agatha. This isn't your damn wedding, so don't make a scene here. Why don't you just sit at the corner like a freaking kitten? How dare you ruin my mood? Back off and shut the f-ck up!"

The crowd fell to a deafening silence. Agatha's eyes widened, while the pair of my cold eyes remained untamed. Like a tigress, keeping my temper. Agatha has always been like this with me. She would steal everything that makes me happy. She would make up a story just to piss me off and make me suffer. She and her evil mother, who never fail to insult me all the time.

Agatha's face reddened. My grim eyes remained cold and emotionless.

"He's here." Someone from the crowd spoke after spotting Jordan Evans.

I immediately looked at the entrance with an annoyed face. My lips parted upon seeing an almost perfect man standing under the arch of decorations. Silence filled the whole venue. Jordan Evans' arrival stunned everyone. As the illegitimate son of the Evans family, they didn't expect an almost perfect man to show up. Even me, I didn't expect him to come with a very intimidating aura.

He's undeniably beautiful. He's like an art, perfectly sculpted by the greatest artist. His perfect jaws are sharp, stressing its manly shape. His tanned complexion matched with his rugged look. He has a pair of dark eyes, thick eyebrows, thin reddish lips and proud pointed nose. His hair is a bit long and was tied on the back. A silver piercing in his left ear shined. He looks like a Prince. A noble man. As an expensive aura surrounds him.

I gasped.

He's screaming standard and perfection. God must've taken too much time creating him to be that perfect in every angle and every move he makes. I was gaping at him as he roamed his eyes around before dropping his gaze to my certainly amazed eyes. I felt my heart raced at the sudden eye contact.

Everyone was shocked upon his arrival. Everyone is watching. His long legs started walking towards me at the center of the aisle. I was unable to move, completely frozen. Seeing that my unknown husband is that handsome made me still. Why does he look like a nobleman, by the way? Was it because of his physique or because of how he withstand the aura surrounding him?

Strangely, everything seemed to slow down. I was watching his every step, and he looked so sexy in his black suit.

I suddenly felt suffocated. My heart clenched and skipped a beat. There's something in Jordan Evans that's making me feel something I never felt before. There are butterflies having a party in my stomach, and my insane heartbeat is untamable. What is this feeling? Why am I so whipped?

The dashing Jordan Evans' eyebrows curled, almost meeting at the center. The wind blew his hair as if it was part of his jaw dropping arrival.

As he walks, his eyes are fixed with my pair of amazed orbs, locking them. His jaw clenched as he stopped in front of me. My bouquet is resting on the air, against my wedding gown.

I wanted to smack myself. I'm obviously attracted.

Jordan stared at my face. I felt my cheeks heated. I'm hoping my blush on could hide my flushed cheeks.

Agatha, who recovered first, walked towards Jordan Evans. Her eyes looked so amazed as if she can't believe she's seeing a perfect man in front of her eyes. He's a total hottie, alright. I admit to that.

Agatha smiled. "Hi! Jordan, right? I'm glad you're here. You looked so handsome."

That was the most stupid reaction and greet from Agatha, who cursed him real good a while ago. I almost rolled my eyes. A total pretentious bitch, who would worship money and popularity.

Jordan ignored her and took another step closer to me, almost invading my personal space. What he did actually shocked me.

He leaned to me and the corner of his lips rose in an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I'm late. Did I make my bride wait too long?"

His fresh breath kissed my flushed smooth cheeks as he spoke. It sends a shiver to my spine and my breathing is hitched. My heart continued hammering in my chest, something that's making me almost breathless. Why does a mere whisper and apologies from him sound so sweet and enchanting.

Have I gone mad?

His arrogant nose almost touched my veil. He was so tall. He's towering me. My height didn't even reach his chin. Now that I can see him up close, I can completely claim that he's beyond perfect. God! Is he real?

I was shocked because I totally forgot about my annoyance for making me wait.

I met his eyes and I almost took a step back. He's so intimidating. His long and thick eyelashes defined his beautiful dark eyes. Those alluring eyes I didn't know that exists.

I gasped.

The corner of his lips rose again. "Breath," he whispered in my ear.

Just then, I realized that I've been holding my breath. I sucked my breath and inhaled. His manly scent then filled my nose. Damn! He's making me nervous, and uncomfortable. Nevertheless, I acted cool and nodded. Now, that he's here. I felt relieved.

I smiled at him. I still felt uncomfortable. Who would've thought that the illegitimate son of Evans family, an idler, is this handsome and perfect?

"You okay?" He asked. He seems not worried, but teasing me.

I just nodded, trying to be casual and ignoring my mind. "I'm fine."

I almost smack myself. I sounded like I was convincing myself that I'm fine. I sound like indirectly defending myself from his accusations that I'm actually allured by him.

Jordan smiled, and swear, I found myself enchanted with his smile. It was the sweetest smile I have ever seen. He wet his lips. "I hope I didn't piss my bride that much."

Now, a smooth talker idler has completely drawn my attention. His manly voice sounds so dangerous, although it's sweet. He's like a badass gentleman in a suit. His piercing even made him look rugged.

I shook my head. "No. Not at all."

"Nice!" He whispered and looked around. He bore his eyes to me again. He scratched his cheek. "Sorry again. I got stuck in traffic."

He was explaining as if he needed to, although, for me, it's not important anymore. What matters is he's already here and there's this assurance that I can help Martha's medical expenses.

I pressed my lips together and nodded again. "It's fine, really. What's important is that you came."

Jordan's lips curved into a smile. He nodded and looked up at the sky, and then to the decorations of the venue. He was as if inspecting the place while nodding, like he's contented. What he did gave me a perfect view of his neck. I looked away, swallowing hard. My eyes landed on the brooch on his left chest. It's a red rose brooch pin, perfectly matched with his suit. The rose looked so expensive. Its color is like fresh blood and the silver pin is shining every time the ray of the sun hits it.

Staring at the brooch pin, I creased my forehead and my eyes widened after a realization. I'm certain that the pin almost worth 2 million.

I bore my eyes to his pair of dark orbs again. He was watching my face. Confusion filled me. Wasn't he poor? He's an illegitimate son of a wealthy family, but from what I heard, his father's family can't accept him.

I glanced at the brooch pin again, doubting. Is he the real firstborn of the Evans family?

I keep on glancing at the brooch in Jordan's suit. I can't help the suspicions that keep on resurfacing. I wet my lips and watched him talking to my parents. My adoptive mother Lolita looks like a devil in disguise, talking to him, smiling sweetly.

Meanwhile, Jordan seemed to notice that I kept on glancing at the brooch pin in his suit. He clenched his jaw and silently cursed.

He touched the brooch pin and leaned to me as he whispered… "Does it look real? I borrowed it from a friend. Do I look dashing with this?"

I blinked thrice and looked away. "Ah!"

When the ceremony started, my mind was filled with different thoughts. Marrying a handsome stranger felt so unreal. It feels like a dream. I was so drowned with my own thoughts that I flinched when he grabbed my hand and slipped a ring on my finger while saying his vow.

My lips parted as I stared into his eyes. I looked down immediately when he looked at me and smiled. He handed me a pair of my ring. I swallowed hard and accepted it. I held his hand, slipped the ring on his finger while saying my vow.

"I, Solana Stone, accepted you Jordan Evans as my husband. I promise to be your loving wife. Stay with you in sickness and health, for better and worse…"

I don't even know if I said my vow according to what I memorized, but I'm certain, I missed some lines. I was so freaking distracted with his intense stares.

After I slipped his ring, I stared at it and my eyes widened. It's an elegant ring with an infinity design. It was gold. Shocked, I looked at mine and my lips parted. I noticed that my pair has small diamonds in it. I wanted to ask but the priest spoke first, stunning me.

"You may now kiss the bride."

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