
My Husband Turned To Be A Trillionaire
My Husband Turned To Be A Trillionaire
Author: BELLA

Chapter 1

Solana Stone's POV

A sophisticated, kind-hearted and brave woman. That's how other people see me. I have seen the ugly side of the world. I became an orphan at an early age and was adopted, not to be loved but to be bullied and buried. My heart has become a stone, a stone that was shaped by the experiences. As a jewelry designer, I value stone, I value myself.

Tired and drowsy, I entered the Stone family's house. I was called to the hospital this morning because Martha, the only person who cares for me, was diagnosed with acute kidney failure. Martha is like a mother to me, and there's no way I'll neglect her. The whole day was so exhausting, plus I have to shoulder the medical expenses because Martha doesn't have any family left. Oh, God! Where would I get the money that will save Martha's life?

I took my cellphone from my bag, expecting a call or even a message from my boyfriend, but there's none. He's probably busy.

My steps were so light that it didn't create even a faint sound. I walked passed by my sister's room, but a certain faint moan and familiar voice groaning caught my attention.

"Ohh! Ohh, Hans! Deeper, baby! F-ck! Yes!"

I froze, and slowly turned my head to the door of my evil sister's room, Agatha. In the middle of the night, together with the coldness of the night breeze, I felt a sting in my heart. Hans and Agatha?

I balled my fists and slowly moved closer, peeking at the gap as the door wasn't closed properly. My eyes widened. My breathing hitched. I saw my cheating boyfriend on top of my sister. They're both naked, sweating and panting. I stared at Hans's face. His handsome face was showing too much pleasure and it hurt so much. I felt like my heart was being ripped apart.

"Why—Ohh! Yes! Yes, Hans! Deeper!" Agatha screamed. Her back arched, obviously enjoying my boyfriend's mostrous pace.

So f-cking dirty! So f-cking slutty!

"Oh, f-ck! Agatha! You taste so good!"

My lips parted. Instead of pain, disgust painted on my face after I heard Hans groan those words. They're enjoying each other, behind my back. They're so freaking disgusting.

"Why won't you dump her?" Agatha asked, panting. "Dump her and play with me, Hans. Ohh! F-ck! That's it, baby! Faster!"

Hans didn't reply instead, he fastened his pace. He seems too engrossed with what he's doing that he couldn't understand what Agatha is saying. Dump me? Really? F-ck you, Agatha!

"Yeah!" I bitterly whispered as I slowly nodded. "You're indeed busy… with my sister."

"Oh! Hans, baby! I'm coming!" Agatha's slutty voice filled my ears again and I freaking hate it.

Furious, I balled my fists and kicked the door open. What I did created a loud thud, stopping the two traitors behind the door. I lifted my face and met Hans's pair of shock doe eyes. They looked so shocked, but Agatha's face became playful afterwards. Of course, she would. She saw my angry face.

"Traitors!" I growled at them. My chest was moving rapidly, justifying my anger. I wanted to cry, but I was too angry and disgusted to shed even a single tear.

"Sol! Oh, God! Sol! It's nothing!" Hans called as he collected his clothes. He was in a rush; he was nervous as he dressed up. "Sweetie, please! Forgive me! I-I didn't mean to—”

"Put your d-ck in her?" I cut him off, shocking him. I laughed without humor. What an excuse. Fortunate enough, he didn't say it's an accident.

Hans's face paled. "Sol…"

My eyes sharpened. "My name is too beautiful for you to say it. Don't you ever say my name again, you douchebag."

I eyed them intently. My tone and expression froze both Hans and Agatha. I was so tired already, and this situation has put me in worse. My heart beats in disappointment and disgusts. I can't believe my boyfriend is bedding my sister. He was sweet and caring, but what happened? How long have they been doing this behind my back? Am I not enough? I want to question myself, but no. I won't lose myself to a douchebag like Hans.


I sucked my breath. My heart kept on clenching as I looked at Agatha. The bitch grinned at me, obviously enjoying what's happening. She did this on purpose.

"Sweetie, please…"

I shook my head as I bore my eyes to Hans again. Cold, emotionless, and indifferent. I know I'm showing those emotions and I'm certain that Agatha noticed it because her grin disappeared. She looked so disappointed with my expression. She was obviously expecting me to break down. She was expecting me to cry a river after seeing them together. Something that I will never allow to happen.

"Let me explain," Hans' voice broke. "A-Agatha seduced me. I love you, sweetie. Please forgive me."

He was seduced? What a lame excuse. That's a typical explanation from a dirty asshole who doesn't have balls to say no to temptations. If he really love me, he won't let his sexual needs drive him.

"I'm done, Hans," I stated, bitterly while shaking my head. Disappointed with him. "We're done."

"No!" Hans ran to me and kneel. He grabbed my hands and started kissing them, begging for my forgiveness. "No, no, sweetie. We're not. I love you, Sol. Please, don't leave me."

I clenched my jaws and shoved his hands away. I looked at him angrily. "Don't touch me."

Hans started slapping his face while looking at my eyes. His eyes are begging. "Please, Sol. Just hurt me. Slap me, punch me, and kick me. Not like this. Don't leave me, please. I need you. I love you."

I pushed his hands in disgust as I eyed him sharply. Without a word, I slapped him, really hard. Like what he requested. Hans weakly fell on the floor. I lifted my chin and glanced at Agatha, who was watching me with anger. It hurts, alright, but I know my worth. I know when to fight. And my relationship with Hans isn't worth fighting.

I bore my eyes to Hans once again. "We're done, Hans. I'm breaking up with you."

"No!" Hans attempted to touch me again, but I quickly took a step back. The disgust and hatred in my eyes are vivid. I'm sure he's seeing it clearly. It's his fault.

Hans cried. "I love you, Sol. I love you so much! Please, give me another chance."

I laughed, mockingly. "Your love is too shallow, Hans. It's not worth another chance."

"What's happening here?"

Robert Stone, followed by his wife Lolita, entered the bedroom. The couples were shocked upon seeing Hans almost naked on the floor. Their daughter, Agatha, is on the bed, only covered with white sheets.

I lifted my chin. Emotions have left my eyes.

"WHAT IS THIS, AGATHA?" Lolita, my adoptive mother, screamed in anger.

Her husband, Robert, looked at his daughter in so much anger. "What have you done? You are to marry Jordan Evans, Agatha. What is this?"

Agatha rose from the bed and fiercely shook her head. "No, dad! I don't want to marry an illegitimate son. And didn't you hear the rumors? He's an idler."

I clenched my jaws. She has the guts to insult other people when she's dirtier. I watched as Agatha's face turned red. I always wanted to slap that face of hers for treating me badly. Having an adoptive sister like her is like a curse.

"I don't care," Robert growled at her. "He's still an Evans, and we made a promise with his family. Our family sticks to promises. We never break our word. So, you're going to marry him whether you like it or not."

"I won't marry that useless guy, dad!" Agatha screamed. Her face is red and angry.

"You can't do anything about this, Agatha," Lolita growled. "We've decided."

I shook my head and was about to leave. I would rather not waste any more time with this nonsense conversation. I have seen enough. I have heard enough.

"I'm pregnant."

And that's too much.

I slowly turned to Agatha. She was staring back at her father's eyes. I felt my hatred become stronger upon hearing that revelation.

She's pregnant? So, they've been doing this for quite a long time? I want to laugh. I can't believe this. I've been fooled. I couldn't help but to look back on my memories with Hans and I felt so disgusted. That means I've been kissing those disgusting lips. I want to puke.

This is insane. The nerve of Hans to ask for another chance when he's been fooling me for quite a long time.

"What did you say, Agatha?" Robert asked in a very dangerous voice. I looked at him. He never bullied me, but he's too coward to defend me.

Agatha sat beside Hans and looked at them. "I'm pregnant with Hans's child, dad. I can't marry that Evans."

Lolita gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh, my God! What do we do? We can't break the promise with the Evans."

I felt my heart clenched again as I looked at Hans. He was staring at Agatha with a shocked face. Pain attacked my heart again. Hans is a total douchebag. I turned my back and was about to leave again when Lolita grabbed my wrist. It shocked me, but I hid my emotions. I languidly bore my eyes to my adoptive mom. What is it now?

Is she gonna scold me for letting this happen? I'm so tired of the bullshit. I just want to get out of here.

"Take your sister's place."

It rings in my head, but I couldn't process it. Take what? I licked my lips, unable to accept what I just heard. "W-What?"

Lolita released my wrist. Her eyes sharpened. "Marry Jordan Evans, Solana."

Marry… Jordan Evans? That man who was promised to marry Agatha?

I sucked my breath, shocked. I felt so isolated. Aren't they content with the way they treat me? Do I really have to suffer this much? Why did they even adopt me? So, they'll have a human doll to play with?

I wanted to laugh. If this is a joke, this isn't funny.

In spite of the combined disappointment, pain, anger, hatred, and disgust I felt in my heart, my eyes remained indifferent. Showing pain to these greedy people will just feed their desire of breaking me. I felt like a pawn trapped around the powerful pieces. I need to get to the enemy's base, so I can pick my destiny, but it will be impossible for now, especially after Lolita spoke again.

"Martha needs money, right? I will give you money for her medical expenses, but you have to marry Jordan Evans." Lolita's voice was arrogant. Probably because she knew that I didn't have any other choice.

I felt my knees weakening. She hit me on my weakest spot.

I glanced at Agatha and found her smirking, secretly. I clenched my jaws and slowly shook my head. How cruel this world can be? I was betrayed and now, I'm being used. This is insane!

"Come on, Solana. Since you're useless here. Might as well use your brain to save the woman you treasured the most. This is the only way to earn money in a blink of an eye," Lolita mocked. Mocking and insulting me has really become her hobby.

I squeezed my eyes closed. My temple is aching in anger. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream my anger but I restrained myself. For Martha. I promised to do everything for her.

I swallowed hard. To save the woman who saved me before, I slowly nodded and met my adoptive parents' eyes. "I-I will do it. I will marry him."

My heart bleeds even more. Marrying an idler? I think I'd be buried even more.

Lolita clapped her hands in so much happiness. She was even laughing and for me, she's like an evil witch. "Good choice, Solana. I knew you would use your brain."

I turned my back on her, the same time tears rolled down my cheeks. I immediately wiped it and lifted my chin, convincing myself that everything will be fine, but who am I kidding? Everything is wrong. Everything is not fine.

My balled fists trembled. Marrying a useless man? An idler? I chewed my bottom lip. Is he worse than Hans? I just hope he's not a cheater. God, is this a punishment? Nevertheless, I ignored the pain, collected myself and stick to one worth reason. My freedom for Martha's salvation. It's worth the sacrifice.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Dalman Moulton
I thinks this is messing up my time I can't access the books I am now reading
goodnovel comment avatar
Dalman Moulton
this is not the book I am reading

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