

Kira's pov

I rock back and forth on my heels as ceaseless thoughts of why Lucian has been cold to me ran through my mind.

“Maybe I should confront him,” I muttered to myself, striding out of my room and walking towards his. The closer I got, the more my pulse raced.

“What if it goes wrong?” My subconscious asked the moment I raised a hand to rap on the door, and I paused.

Taking in a sharp breath, and ignoring the pounding of my heart against the walls of my chest, I knocked on the door, listening for an invitation. However, I heard footsteps, folloeed by the door being opened.

“Come,” his voice held a tinge of dominance, causing goosebumps to run down my arms.

Swallowing a ball of saliva with the hopes of pushing down the lump wedged in my throat, I pushed the door open and slowly walked into thre room.

My heart leapt the moment his blue eyes met mine. They held a resolute look that wavered the moment they saw me. He leaned against the headboard of his bed, and my stomach churned
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