

Kira's pov.

I didn't realize what happened. The truth was that it was Lucian we saw, and he had someone very familiar with him, Gary. However, the stench of blood I perceived, made me aware that he was injured.

“Lucian?” I moved away from behind Mary, rushing towards him with worry on my face as I wondered what was going on. He seemed to be trying to be alright.

He didn't even bother to answer whatever I had said, going straight to the reason why he came here.

“We have to leave now!” I heard the urgency in his tone. However, I couldn't just bring myself to ask what was happening.

“Jonas, thank you for your help, but you also can't stay here. Aric, and his men refused to give up. We have to keep going, He explained, making me shiver in fear.

Does that mean Aric won? I pondered, but was snapped out of thoughts when she turned towards me with a frown on her face.

“We don't have time, Kira. Didn't you hear Lucian?” Mary asked, but I didn't get the chance to answer because she pulled me tow
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