

Kira's pov

We raced through the underbrush, branches whipping at my face and clawing at my clothing. I could hear the wolves drawing closer, its feet pounding the earth with a relentless rhythm.

"We're almost there!" Mary panted, her voice tinged with desperation.

And then, just as I thought we were lost, I saw it. A clearing in the woods, a silver car in the middle of the woods.

"The keys are in the ignition," Mary gasped, shoving me towards the vehicle. "Get in and drive!"

But no matter what we tried, the car refused to start, so we decided to use our legs.

The world around me was a blur of noise and motion, my mind reeling from the chaos that had erupted all around us. I clutched my swollen belly protectively as Mary's firm grip guided me through the dense forest, away from the battle that was raging.

My heart pounded with fear and confusion. Where were we going? What had happened to Lucian? Was he safe? I wanted to turn back, to see for myself, but Mary's voice was insistent, urgi
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