


As I slowly open my eyes to see the morning sun that has crept into my room, I am hit with a rush of discomfort. My body feels heavy and sore, as if it has been put through a wringer.

With Hades last night. It was worse than a wringer.

Every muscle hurts, and my feet feel like heavy weights, weak and unwilling. I try to sit up, but even the slightest movement causes aches throughout my body.

Throughout my three years of marriage, all I wanted from Hades was passionate love and more.

Yes, I yearned for him as my husband, mate, and man.

I've always wanted to have sex with him, but I never imagined it would be as vile and aggressive as it was last night.

He had gone against my wishes, against my emotions, to sleep with me.

It was horrible, his weight, the force he had used on me.

That was no way I imagined sharing an intimate moment with my husband.

As the thought of his burning flesh and movement crawls in from last night, flashes across my mind, I shudder.

I can still feel his touches, it feels like a tattooed mark.

I can still feel His heavy thrust and his cruel words penetrate the insides of my body and dance on my ear.

I didn’t know Hades could be as aggressive at that.

I never want to repeat last night.

Tears start to stream down my eyes when the memory of waking up and finding myself in the bed of a stranger hit me.

The last thing I remember was having my nose covered with a rag, and then I woke up to watch Hades throw a strange man into the wall.

And I hate that trying to explain to him will be futile.

A small knock comes on my door and my maid opens it before I can speak.

“Luna” she calls lightly.

“Enora” I don’t want to sound exactly as I feel.

“How are you feeling?” She asks genuinely.

I shrug.

“There’s a soiree happening tonight” She begins.

Another party.

I am really not in the mood for one.

“And?” My voice is weak.

“Alpha Hades is attending and wants you to be his partner for it. He has ordered a dress that you are to wear and wants you to be hasty about it.” The words leave Enora's mouth but I just sigh.

Of course.

After such monstrous behavior last night, he still wants me to put on a pretty dress and act like his Luna.

Enora takes a step forward.

“And, Luna Jasmine,” she calls quietly.

“Alpha Hades was in a hurry to leave, but he did not fail to let me pass this to you. That he is deeply sorry for what he did and would erase last night if he could. He made it clear that you’re the one he wants to be partnered up with.”

My heart bangs out a warning feeling.

I shake my head and conceal the tears that threaten to fall.

If he regrets last night. Then he would have been the one to apologize to me, not send a message to Enora.

It’s still not explainable how I ended up in another man’s bed. But incidents like that could make any married person go insane.

But that doesn't give Hades the right to treat me in such a heinous way.

When I don't reply, Enora chimes in.

“Will you still attend the party Luna?”

I turn to her.

I want to say no, because I am deeply exhausted.

But I am Silvermist's Luna and I have responsibilities that are not to be ignored.

Missing a soiree when Hades is present will raise suspicion. And there's no greater than finding one's flaw than suspicion.

“I'll be attending” My voice is almost quiet.

“Then I’ll take my leave to get your dress ready” Enora says before leaving the room.

I slowly walk out from my bed.

Against all odds.

Maybe there can still be a way I can prove to be the better wife he actually wants and just doesn't need; and not just someone he had an arranged marriage with, all because we were mated.

But this marriage is already as exhausting as it gets.

With my head out of the dense dark clouds.

I meet Enora downstairs, who helps me prepare for the party.

She moves quickly, and I'm clothed in no time, with my features enhanced and embellished with a few makeup and accessories.

I arrive at the Hall with Enora as an escort who immediately returns home, leaving me to get the best welcome.

I get a few hellos before straining my neck to search for Hades, ignoring every other thing around me.

I have to be by his side. He needs nothing but the perfect Luna by his side.

The party is lovely and the music tides around my mind, giving me every shade of distraction my ache is dwelling on.

The faux smile against my lips is heavy and stretching further with every step I take.

My body hurts, and my mind feels hazy.

Hades knows the crazy amount of strength he acquires and still proceeded to forcefully make his way with me last night.

It's a miracle how I'm still walking like nothing happened at all.

My forced smile instantly falters, when I get to the end of the Hall and see Hades laughing with Alison beside him, with wine glasses in their hands.

My step slows down and my stomach churns uncontrollably.

Why are they together?

Just when I thought I had finally found a way to override everything!

My emotions instantly blindsided me.

My breath hitches in my throat, and I struggle to keep the death-like aching in my chest in check.

I feel like I am on the verge of unraveling.

With my eyes still on them, Hades sees me and his lips stretch into a warm smile.

How can he smile at me in such a manner!

“Jasmine,” He calls and it causes me to freeze.

He takes excuses from the people around him and walks up to me.

“I have been waiting for you.” His words are gentle and serene.

His smile is so soft I feel like I am about to go crazy. How can one go from such a ferocious beast to a tender person in hours.

How dare he?

I want to cry but I can't.

All my life, all I've ever yearned from Hades was love, warm and tender.

I've always wanted him to look at me like I am the only woman that matters to him with lips of devotion and genuineness.

smile at me with his irises drowning of immense love for me.

But now. I do not even recognize the man in front of me.

He gently rests his hand at the small of my back and he leads me to the guests he’s been talking to, where Alison is too.

I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but Alison looks a bit shocked to see me.

Or is she worried that I wasn’t able to leave last night?

After all her effort.

I’ll find a way to make it up to her after this party.

Hades’ hands tightens around my waist and his smile is so tipsy but careful, it doesn’t feel like the same touch from last night.

“Luna Jasmine, you’re here” Xander, one of Hades trusted acquaintance comments and I pass him a smile.

“You can’t expect me to come to parties like this without my Jasmine” Hades’ adds, pulling me closer to his side and causing the entire guest around us to smile.

I glance at Alison and a smile is also staining her lips.

“Luna jasmine, you look absolutely breathtaking” One of the guests randomly comments, taking me by surprise.

I turn to her , about to thank her when Hades speaks before me.

“Of course she’s beautiful. She’s my wife”

Hades looks like he’s over the moon and I feel my heart fall into my stomach.

Hades turns to me.

“Sometimes I want to hide you and keep you to myself where no prying eyes can see you and make comments like this”

He carefully tucks some strands of my hair behind my ear and flashes of last night's penetration strikes my mind.

Hades' words cause the people around us to laugh, expressing admiration and I try to press on a flustered smile.

If only they know how different Hades can be.

This moment makes me want to scream until I am fine again. Or just take a leap and go out of existence.

I am being used to make Him appear perfect.

It is so aching that I am about to go crazy.

A waiter carrying a tray of shots suddenly passes by and gets stopped by Hades.

“Would you care for anything jasmine?” Hades takes me by my hand.

Before I can utter my declination. Alison’s loud voice takes over.

“Oh, it wouldn’t be safe for Jasmine to drink, what if she ends up in another man's bed again and gets fucked for the second time.”

As if on cue. The music stops playing and everyone stops abruptly to turn their head towards our direction.

Alison gasps and covers her mouth, seeing the chaos she had caused.

As everyone’s eyes dance on us, I can feel my face burning with shame.

The entire hall is quiet and everyone is looking at me.

I want to speak but my voice catches in my throat.

The room starts to spin and I just want nothing but to die at the moment.


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