



As I gaze at Alison, I'm captivated by how pretty she looks just sleeping.

Her peaceful expression and gentle breathing mesmerize me, and I can't help but smile.

The stillness of the night envelops us, and I feel an overwhelming desire to simply be beside her, to bask in the warmth of her presence.

But I can’t.

Even if Alison is the woman that had once shaken my world and still the woman to still shake my world, even if I almost went crazy when she had to leave for her sudden studies— I can’t push past the fact that I am married.

Though I don’t understand why Jasmine will suddenly want a divorce but that is never going to happen while I am still alive and breathing.

Maybe she doesn’t get my heart racing like Alison does, but she is still doable.

After three years of marriage, I've had the privilege of witnessing Jasmine’s exceptional qualities shine through in every aspect of her life. Her clear responsibility, solid loyalty, and remarkable resourcefulness have been confirmed.

Whether it's her dedication to our relationship, her unrelenting support, or her clever approach to challenges. Jasmine has consistently proven herself to be an extraordinary partner.

I can’t possibly give her up. Not now.

If anyone has the right to end our marriage, it’s me!

Even if our marriage was abruptly arranged by the pack’s council. Even though I had to marry her because she happened to be my mate and I needed to keep my status, Jasmine is an asset.

And I am keeping her.

A divorce?

Over my dead body.


I retire to the other guest room since I’ve kept Jasmine locked in mine.

And I try as possible not to think of her or focus on what she could possibly be doing by herself.

I let myself drift off to sleep, knowing I need to be well-rested for the party. I'll be a host by dawn tomorrow and as Alpha, where I'll be responsible for ensuring everyone's safety and enjoyment.

I wake up in the middle of the night with a jolt, a sickening one that caused my entire body to almost give in.

My thoughts instantly start to irate and my body starts to eradicate heat.


I jump out of bed and the feeling increased.

Jasmine is with someone else.

I can feel it.

I can feel her emotions, her pleasure.

It feels like a knife is settling on my gut. I can see flashes of the stranger's face, feel his sickening touch.

Our mate bond makes it feel like I am even there with them.

It’s like I am witnessing her betrayal.

I don’t try to shake off the feeling and let it taunt me.

My mind races with anger, hurt, and possessiveness.

How could she do this to me?

How dare she?

As I grab my coat, I tap on Kyle, my wolf.

“Find her.” I say as I walk out of the room.

Relying on Kyle, his instincts began to stir.

I start to focus on the primal sensations coursing through my veins. And before I know it I start to feel it - the unmistakable tug of his Jasmine’s presence and where she is.

I let Kyle guide me after a hastened run, and try to stand the ferocious smell of jasmine and the pleasure I perceive around her.

I finally come up to a building and the quiet night makes my senses more heightened.

I dash into the house and towards the room I can perceive jasmine; and my senses almost crash when I see her stark naked in bed with a total stranger.

She is lying effortlessly with her legs buried in the nooks of this man’s body.

I don’t know what emotions to exhibit but my body and wolf reacts before my brain can.

I swiftly clasp my claw around this man’s neck and shove his body into a wall.

Jasmine immediately gets on her knees and calls my name.


“Don’t you fuckin call my name, you slut!”

I yell.

My loyal guards, trained to obey without hesitation— who have been trailing behind me since I left the main house, storms into the room.

“Dispose him!” I growl, my anger seething as I release my grasp, leaving him to their feet.

The moment they all leave, I turn to jasmine.

She is crying.

Such crocodile tears.

“So this is the reason you called for a divorce?” I try to contain myself but I can’t.

“Hades, I swear this is not what you think”

She sobs.

“What in the actually fuck!” I yell. “What else would I think? One minute you’re in my room and the next minute You are fucking someone else?”

“Hades, this was all pla—

“Shut the fuck up!” I slam.

I drag her out of the bed and throw her over my shoulder with the blanket over her body.

With the anger burning through my limbs, I keep her on me and transform into my wolf form, dashing through the darkness until I get to our home.

I transform back and take Jasmine to her room where I throw her on the bed.

She is still crying but I don’t pay attention to her fake tears.

she is still holding onto the blanket around her body but I move forward and rip it apart.

“You lied, you cheated!” My voice is loud. “You actually thought you could betray me and get away with it?”

Cowering in fear I’ve instilled in her, Jasmine moves back, almost falling from the bed, but my reflexes kicks in and I catch her before she can fall.

“You are mine jasmine! And you’ll do what I say” my hand grips tightly around her naked body.

“Hades I sw—

“I say you’ll do as I say. Do you understand? You fuckin slut.” I look her dead in the eye and she slowly nods.

“You’re nothing without me. You’ll do as I say or you’ll suffer the consequences. Do you understand?”

She gulps.

“Please don’t hurt me”

“Hurt you?” I scoff. “That’s the last thing I’ll do.”

I grab her body and push her back to slam against the softness of the bed.

“Since the attention and kindness I showered wasn’t enough for you. I’ll give you exactly what you need.”

She looks frightened.

She should be.

I rip my already ripped pants apart and leaned down to bite her neck.

“Since you want to be fucked so bad. I might as well just give you that” I say against her nape.

I cage her hands and she tries to struggle out of my grip.

When she opens her mouth to speak, I stop her words with a kiss.

How dare she.

My three years of kindness wasn’t good enough?

I spread her legs and she shakes her head disapprovingly.

“You have no say in this” I seethe. “Tonight, and till the end of you. I own you jasmine”

I ignore her fake tears and carry on what I’ve promised to do.



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