


Hades's eyes, already dark and piercing, seem to deepen to an almost blackened intensity, as if the very mention of my words has summoned a shadowy storm within him.

His eyebrows furrow, knitting together in a fierce scowl, as if I've uttered a blasphemy that offends the very fabric of his being.

“What did you say?” His voice is thick, raspy and livid.

My tears are heavy and my entire body is shaking, but I do not fail to repeat myself.

“I said. I want a divorce”

I'm exhausted, drained from feeling unloved and unwanted.

I release him and myself from this loveless bond.

He's free to choose another Luna, one who can stand by his side with genuine devotion, one with a wolf and not as weak as me.

I no longer care.

This marriage has been a sham, a constant reminder of his unfulfilled desires.

Let him be with the woman who truly holds his heart, the one he needs and loves in return.

I'm done living a lie.

Hades takes a step forward, still looking at me like I am uttering nonsense.

“A divorce?” His voice has every shade of ornery attached to it.

“Yes” my emotional stability fails me and my tears fall down my cheek.

“All of a sudden you want a divorce?” He scoffs.

“Yes! I do!”

I wipe my eyes.

He doesn’t deserve my tears.

Alison suddenly comes forward.

Tears gather in her eyes.

“Jasmine,I promise there’s n—

“Stay out of this Ali” Hades interrupts with a gruff.

My body reacts to the way her name rolls off his tongue.

“I will not agree to a divorce with you jasmine” He states.

My breath hitches.

“You do not love me, so why would you ever disagree” it is the first time I have confronted him about this and I feel really terrible.

“I see,” He nods.

“You suddenly want to divorce me because you have other men under your coop, am I right?.”

“What?” My voice shakes.

“Then why would you ever want a divorce if not for the fact that you have eyes for other men!” He yells and my frail body trembles.

“No,” I shake my head.

I can't believe he's trying to blame me after what I saw him doing. He has no right to judge me when he's guilty too.

“Jasmine. I know you, far too well. You barely speak. You’re a loyal wife who does anything I ask, and you wanting a divorce proves nothing other than the fact that you’re fucking other men. You're tired of me and want them now?” He scoffs.

He doesn’t know me at all.


I can’t seem to find proper words as my head feels all scrambled.

“That’s what it is and over my body will I ever agree to this divorce with you. You think our marriage is a game because you have other men?” He comes closer to me. “Well I’ll show you what price comes with your words.”

His strong fingers close my wrist and he drags me away from his study and pulls me across the living room.

His grip on me is strong and fierce and it hurts.

“Let me go” I cry trying to get his grip to loosen around my wrist, but he is strong and I am nowhere close.

I can feel the hotness eradicating from Hades body and it terrified me.

He doesn’t stop pulling me until we reach his bedroom where he forces me inside and stands in front of me.

His voice is solidified and commanding.

“You will not leave this room until you rethink your bloody decision about a divorce”

He leaves the room and slam the door shut.

My legs rush towards the door and my hands battle with the door Knob but I am too late as he has already locked the door from outside.

My chest pinches itself as I battle to open the door, but my strength does me no good.

I fall to the ground and start to cry.


Why won’t he just let me go.


I don’t know how long I spent crying in Hades’ room but after my eyes and body start to feel sore, I know I need help.

My silent prayer comes quickly when the door clicks open and my leg rushes to stand.

Is it Hades?

My anticipation drowns when I see Alison quietly walk into the room.


“Um,” she bites her bottom lips awkwardly and takes a step forward “Are you okay?”

Her question instantly shatters me and I start to cry.

One thing about Alison is she loves putting others before her, just like how well she took the news when she heard the man she loved got married to her friend.

But that doesn’t have to continue. She can have Hades.

“Alison,” I sniff amidst my tears.

She comes close and holds me.

“jasmine, I didn’t mean to make you cry. I don’t know why Hades will to this to you bu—

“It’s not your fault—

I interrupt her. “It is my fault and I am sorry, for all these years, I am deeply sorry”

I sniff and my tears don't stop running.

Alison looks caught off guard with my apology but I don’t stop.

I want to get rid of this guilty feeling.

“it’s always been you and Hades. I am the intruder, our marriage was all arranged. I didn’t mean to steal him from you. And I promise I do not love him.” I lie.

Alison shakes her head.

“Please jasmine you don’t have to apologize”

“No. I have to, how can you be so nice when I did something as terrible as this to you. I want to leave, I do not love Hades. Please” I cry.

She is quiet for a while, watching me bawl my eyes out before slowly pulling me in a hug.

“You’re my friend Jasmine, and even if we grew apart. I’ll still do anything for you”

I cry against her shoulder.

“Why are you so nice to me? I don’t deserve this”

We break our hug and she holds my shoulders.

“Because you’re my friend and if you don’t love Hades and you do not wish to stay. Then I’ll help you leave”

“Really?” I wipe my tears.

“Yes.” She smiles.

I truly don’t deserve Alison.


The night is still young when Alison manages to help me leave Hades' room and the house after putting up a distraction.

She has kept her promise and I will forever remember this kindness she has shown me.

The night is cold but I don’t falter from it as I am already feeling freedom.

I don’t know what’s ahead of me but I am certain it’s not another loveless marriage.

The moment I take a step from the pack’s main house proximity.

My senses pick up uncertain movements behind me.

I might have lost my wolf but not my heightened senses.

I am about to turn around when I am locked in big arms and my nose is immediately covered with a soft fabric.

I try to fight for my life and scream, but I meet darkness in a few seconds.


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