


Sometimes I wonder if I was only born into this world to become a shadow of my own reflection.

I may be the silvermist Luna, but I don’t feel like it.

I am not competent enough for it.

If the entire pack members are to find out that their Luna isn’t just an omega, but also a wolf-less weakling.

If anyone finds any slight flaw within me. I’ll be ridiculed for life.

But how could anyone not, when I was born to be flawed.

I may be married to my mate, but I am standing here, watching Hades show more affection to Alison than he has ever done to me.

The pain in my chest is fierce but I don’t let it override my thoughts and I just carefully break their bonding with careful words.

“Such beautiful bracelet”

I pick it up with a smile.

My actions and words give Alison and Hades room to stop touching each other and realize I am also in the room.

“Thank you” Alison is calm with her words. “I got it on my way here? Would you like one too?” She smiles sweetly.

“Oh no, thank you. You’re the guest here, I should be the one gifting you Ali.”

She laughs.

“Would you like me to be shown around or would you like to rest?” Hades says, staring at something behind her ear.

Why is he taking notice of everything on her.

“Rest? No. I’d love to be shown around” Alison is ecstatic.

“Then, Jasmine and I will be eager to give you a tour around the house” Hades looks exactly as he looks the night of our third wedding anniversary.

He is smiling so much at Alison, that I do not know what I’m feeling anymore.

As we show Alison around the house, though I really don’t get why she needs a tour around the main pack house when she is just a guest.

I can’t deny the heavy feeling in my chest when I notice I am third wheeling my husband and my ex-best friend.

The airy conversations they’re having is almost in a whisper, but every breeze of it cuts through my soul like a knife.

I try not to pay much attention to it. But it is impossible.

I feel sorry for myself and I feel sorry for Alison.

Maybe if Hades and I weren’t fated mates and Hades hadn’t been forced to marry me, then maybe she and Hades would have been together now.

As we make it down the hallway where the guest rooms are, Alison slightly brushes her temple against a door frame and winces about it.

Before I can approach her and ask what has happened.

Hades beats me to it.

He carefully tucks some strands of her hair behind her ear and asks.

“Are you okay?” His words are gentle and full of affection.

Alison briefly glances at me before turning to Hades.

“I’m fine, but I think it’s best I rest for now,” Alison says with a subtle smile.

“Of course. Whatever you want” Hades replies.

It is just a simple word, but it causes an uproar in me.

Whatever she wants?

I clear my throat, and pray it doesn’t sound weak and funny as I speak.

“I just recalled that I have something to do” I lie with a smile.

“Oh” Alison nods. “We can call it a day then and continue this later”

She’s so nice.

As I turn to leave, I can't help but notice a subtle gesture that makes my heart skip a beat.

It may be just my imagination, but I could swear I see Hades tenderly taking Alison's shoulder, his hand cradling her with gentle reassurance, as he draws her close to his side. The softness in his eyes and the gentle way he pulls her near speaks volumes of a love so strong.

I walk into my room and lock the door behind me.

With my hand on my chest, I try to conceal whatever I am feeling.

This isn’t jealousy or hate

This is far beyond what I feel.

It’s another burning desire.

To feel like a stranger in your marital home?

That is the worst kind of feeling.

I curl up on my bed, pulling the duvet tightly around me.

I sigh multiple times and attempt to divert my thoughts from the events of today, yet my mind refuses to let go. So instead of dwelling on negative emotions. I allowed my mind and body to peacefully drift off into slumber.

I wake up later that night, with the night still young and a slight ache in my chest.

But I can say I feel a little bit better.

I quickly get out of bed and make my way downstairs to help myself with warm milk, which always brings me a sense of calm.

As I descend the stairs, preparing to enter the kitchen.

I am immediately captivated by the sound of muffled laughs and airy conversations.

Instead of moving to the kitchen like I had planned, my mind compels my legs to walk toward the sound, leading me to Hades' study.

The door is slightly open so I take the initiative to peek through its nook.

I suddenly hear an invisible bang in my head.

My knees instantly go weak when I see Alison seated on Hades’ desk desk, wearing a lace see-through nightgown.

Her legs are spread apart with Hades standing in between them, staring at her like she’s the most beautiful woman on the planet.

After muttering a few words to each other. Their lips slowly get close and they kiss and move in perfect sync, their tender kiss sending a pang of longing through my chest.

Their mouths dance against each other and any sane person can see how much they long for each other.

When Hades hand reaches for the side of Alison's left breast, I burst into the room.

“What is going on?” My voice is already drowning in depths of shock, rage and despair.

Alison suddenly jumps and hurries down the desk to stand behind Hades, looking so frightened.

Hades looks up at me, his gaze burning with rage and disgust like I just stepped on him with a stiletto.

“Hades?” I call. “What’s going on?”

Hades smacks the vase on his table angrily and walks up to me.

“Are you fuckin crazy?” His voice sounds deep and irritated.

My throat instantly gets lumpy, and my eyes start to gather tears.

“What were you doing with Alison?” My voice is shaky, but I don’t stutter.

Instead of replying, Hades scoffs.

“You’re really asking me that?”

He looks like he’s ready to slam something into the wall.

My tears start to fall.

“First you interrupted us and now you’re crying? Don’t you dare pull that sympathetic card on me!” Hades’ voice is harsh.

So hard it repeated twice in my head.

I glance at Alison, but she doesn’t dare to look me in the eye.

Hades steps in front of me to block me from seeing her.

“You shouldn’t have spied on us. This is all your bloody fault, .” He seethes.

My fault?

Emotional immediately numbing takes over me, allowing me not to function at the moment.

I don’t feel the sting of tears or the ache in my heart.

I don’t feel anything.

It is as if my emotions have been anesthetized, temporarily paralyzed to prevent overwhelming pain.

My husband and my ex best-friend.

Such a fool, I have become.

I stare at my husband, and instead of the caring gaze I usually see or even the unaffectionate gaze. I am met with his eyes glowering at me and shooting me with disgust and obnoxiousness.

Ah, I get it now.

It’ll never be me.

It hasn’t been and it’ll never be.

I’ll forever be nothing to him.

My throat is dry but I make sure not to stutter with my words.

“Hades,” I call. “I want a divorce”

I’m as good as dead to him.

It’s best I end things now.


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