
Chapter 6- Loss of a Friend

Chapter 6- Loss of a Friend

“The bitch hit me,” Rebecca speaks without realizing precisely who questioned us. “Check your tone.” He growls at her. As he steps toward her, Devin body blocks him from Rebecca. “Get out of my way, Devin.” Dad demands. “She is my Mate, Alpha.” He pleads as tears roll down his face. My heart breaks for him as I see the fear in his eyes that my dad may hurt her for disrespecting him. “Dad?” I call softly. “I want an explanation right now.” He demands, looking at us each momentarily before moving on to the next.

                I start speaking first. “I was finishing washing up the dishes when they came in. Devin wished to speak to me privately, but Rebecca said no. I suggested talking to him later today. When I went to leave, she said.” I stop and decide that no matter what I say right now, I will lose Devin as a friend forever. “Go on, Briar.” Dad urges softly. “She told me, and I quote. You are nothing more than a worthless piece of wolf hide. You deserve never to find a mate.” Tears begin to form in my eyes, so I look up to hold them in. “That is not true! I would never say something so hateful!” Rebecca counters. “Tell me your side then,” Dad demands of her. “We came in, and she started attacking us. She hates me and hates that her friend is mated to me. Then she hit me out of anger. I would never disrespect the Alpha’s daughter.” She sobs. “You are such a liar.” I snort.

                Dad looks between the pair of us, then at Devin. “Tell me what happened, and tell me the truth.” He stops and watches Devin as he looks between his mate and me. “Tell him, baby.” Rebecca coos to him. “Yeah, tell him what happened,” I state. “Sir, I don’t know what is going on with them. They started fighting, and I don’t know why.” He risked it and lied.

                The thought that he could stoop so low and lie astonishes me. “Wow, she changed you that quickly,” I whisper in disbelief. “Briar, do you stand by your word, and what you said is true? Punishable if it turns out you maliciously accused a packmate?” He formally asks me. “I do.” I watch as he turns to Rebecca and asks her the same, followed by Devin. “Three answers, only one truth. Let us see who the liar is.” He states, waving his arm toward the living room. “Have a seat.” He starts standing next to the TV and taking out his phone. “Let’s see what happened.” He states as the screen springs to life, and he starts the video when I initially walk into the kitchen and makes us sit and watch the ordeal.

                My father’s face is red with anger when he turns off the TV and looks at Rebecca. “Give me one good reason not to kill you right now.” He demands from her. “Sir, she is my.” Devin starts and gets shut down immediately. “I didn’t ask you, Devin. Your best friend was verbally attacked. Our future Luna was attacked, and you allowed it! I will deal with you in a minute.” Turning his attention back to Rebecca, he waits for an answer. “Answer, now.” He bellows. “Sir, she is intimidating. I didn’t want my mate near her, fearing she would steal him from me.” She gives a childish answer. “You disrespected my daughter and lied to my face; now you are giving answers as though you are still a young teen. You are 18, and you are legally an adult. You are mated. Any mated wolf knows that their mate would never stoop so low. Your punishment for such crimes.” I cut off my dad when I saw the tears fall faster from Devin’s face. “Dad, wait!” He turns his attention to me instantly. “This was done to me. May it be I who gives the punishment? Or at least may I give you an alternative to whatever you are contemplating for punishment?” I plead.

                He waves me to the hallway to speak privately. “Why are you getting involved?” He asks. “What will you do to them?” I ask. “Execution.” “For both?” I bearly breathe. “They are not trustworthy. Why are you getting involved?” He asks again. “Because I don’t want everyone to fear me.” “They won’t; they will fear me.” “No, Dad. They will be afraid to even speak to me out of fear that what they have said will get them executed. I don’t want that for my life.” “What do you suggest then?” He asks me. Looking back into the room, I see Devin and Rebecca embracing in fear.

“Kick them both out of the packhouse. Make them pay for everything independently at the edge of pack territory. Make them earn their positions back within this pack. Move their ranks to Omega’s and make them climb the ladder to be Beta’s once again. Right now, neither deserve the title.” The words hurt. It is one of the worst punishments I could ever suggest, but it's better than death. “Is that what you truly want? I know Devin is your best friend.” Dad asks calmer and more loving manner. “I am offering life because he is my best friend.” I weep as Dad pulls me into him and hugs me tightly.

                Dad returns to them, and I stand in the doorway this time. “My decision was execution to you both.” I watch as their eyes widen in fear before he starts speaking again. “But Briar.” He turns to look at me. “She asked me not to do that.” Their eyes follow my dad’s, and they stand staring at me. “Briar, would you tell them what will happen?” He asks softly.

 I don’t want to be the one to do it. Something deep in me tells me that I need to do this and prepare for complex decisions and even more challenging conversations in the future. So, I nod, make my way into the room, and stand next to my dad. “You will immediately be packing your bags and leaving the packhouse tonight. You will be moving into one of the Omega houses on the edge of the territory. You will get jobs, pay rent, and pay all your personal expenses. Starting tonight, you will both be labeled as Omegas.” “What!” Rebecca screams at me and advances forward. “Don’t you dare touch me, or I will change my mind,” I speak so naturally that it even scares me. “You will have the chance to earn back your titles, but you will work for them and prove that you have what it takes to be a trustworthy beta within our pack once again.” I look at my father, and he nods in agreement. “So, it will be. I will get you an address and a key to your new location. Bring what you can for the night; the rest of your stuff will be brought to you tomorrow.” Dad leaves the room to retrieve the items, leaving me alone with them once again.

Immediately I turn around and walk out of the room, hustling as fast as possible so they do not see me cry. I am up on the second floor and nearly to my room when they catch up with me. “Briar.” Devin pleads. “What?” My voice gives away that I am crying. “Stop, please.” He begs. I cannot help but not do as he asks. I still love him. When I don’t turn around, he moves to my front and looks into my eyes. “I am so sorry about all of this.” Tears fall from his face as he speaks. “It is her fault, after all,”  Rebecca comments behind me, and I roll my eyes. “Thank you for saving us,” Devin whispers to me. “It isn’t like she had a choice; she did it only because of you. She would have let me die.” Her snide remark flips a switch within me, and I snap.

I still do not know how I moved as quickly as I did. I spun around and grasped her by the throat. Then, I pin her to a wall lifting her off her feet. It all happened before I knew what I was doing. “If you ever come near me again, I will kill you. You are not permitted to attend any pack events other than mandatory meetings. You will not speak my name in any negative tone, or I will kill you. I will end you myself if you even hurt Devin. The only reason that you are alive right now is because of what you mean to him. Pack your shit and get out of my house.” My tone has an Alpha tone within it that I was unaware I could tap into. It surprises her and Devin both. I lower her to the ground, let her go, and watch as she runs past my father, standing in the hall watching me. “I will leave you two to talk. I will meet you outside, Devin.” Dad states before walking away, ignoring what he just witnessed.

I continue to my room, open the door and walk in, Devin hot on my heels. “Briar?” He calls softly. “What?” I bark. “Why did you save me?” He asks. “You were my best friend, Devin,” I state as I fold a blanket and put it back on the couch. “Were?” He asks painfully. “No friend of mine would ever disrespect me in such a disgusting manner.” I stand staring at him. “Why did you save me then?” He asks as he cries. “Well, I guess it's better to tell you now so you can truly understand exactly what I felt. So, you know exactly what I did for you tonight.” I start as I move toward him. “Tell me.” He begs. “Devin, I have been in love with you since the 6th grade.” His eyes widen in realization. “Every question I asked you about being mates had to do with how I felt about you—holding your hand today, dancing in your arms. Waiting for midnight to strike to see if the guy I had been in love with for years was my mate. Yet, a few minutes before midnight, you entered my biggest enemy's arms. Then I brought in my 18th birthday without my best friend. I was crushed that you were not mine. Getting the overwhelming scents of the entire room hitting me at once. Don’t worry, I brought your date home, and she will take your place in my life.” “Briar,” he whispers, trying to get me to stop, but I can’t. I started expressing my feelings, and now they will all come out. “Then, after cleaning up and crying more about how I don’t have you, you walked in with her. You allowed her to talk so poorly to me. She said I was a worthless piece of wolf hide! You said nothing!” “I am so sorry.” He sobs. “How would you feel if I let my mate tell you that you didn’t deserve to find your mate? Then if I lied about what was said.”

 I walk away from him to look out the window and add space between us. “I saved you tonight because I love you; I always have. I saved her because I knew she was your mate, and you wanted to find your mate more than anything. Tonight, she was saved because of you. If she crosses me again, she will not be granted the same another time.” I state before turning to face him once more.

We stand staring at each other for what feels like an eternity. “Can I hug you goodbye?” He asks as he wipes the tears off his face. “No. You can work back up the ranks and hug me hello.” “But if you are Luna to another pack?” “You come to find me and tell me that you worked your way back into a position of trust.” “I understand. I hurt you more than ever tonight. I appreciate your kindness. I will go now.” We gaze at each other briefly before he bows to me, closes my door, and leaves me alone.

I freeze in my window until they get into a car and drive down the road from the packhouse. A soft knock sounds as they make the final turn, for I do not see the rear lights. “Come in,” I call over my tears. “Hey, sweetheart. How are you holding up?” Dad asks. Words are lost; I need a hug right now, so I run into him and squeeze him tightly. “You did the right thing tonight. That is a solution similar to something your mother did in the past.” “I love him, Dad.” “I know. But you will love your mate even more when you find him.” He coos as he makes shushing sounds to calm me. “I know.” This time I calm down more. “Thanks for checking on me.” Pulling away from him, I give him a small smile. “Absolutely, but we must talk about your Alpha tone before I leave you.”

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