
Chapter 7- Doctor Appointment

Chapter 7- Doctor appointment

                I sit on my couch and pull my dad to sit with me. “I don’t know where that Alpha tone came from tonight,” I admit. “I didn’t even know that it was possible.” I continue. “Sweetheart, that is not something I want you to start using on a whim.” “I understand that, Dad. What happened tonight is not something that I had ever expected to do or say. The whole night was just a mess. I hope that after some sleep and a clear mind, I will have more of a handle on everything.” I confess. “How you moved tonight and how you grabbed the girl, that is so unlike you. You even hit her tonight. Are you ok?” His concern is evident in his voice. “I wish I could tell you one way or another. But since midnight, everything seems different. As I said, maybe sleep and a clear mind will help. I agree with your statement earlier, and I think I need to see the Doctor as soon as possible to clear up anything if something is wrong. Is that ok still?” I question him. “We will go before lunch. I will set it all up. Get some sleep, and I will see you in a few hours. I love you, Briar.” “I love you too, Dad,” I call softly as he leaves the room and me to the silence of my mind once more.

                All my emotions come crashing down on me at once, and I feel my whole life has flipped upside down. I just exiled my best friend and the love of my life. I hurt and threatened his mate, and he will never forgive me. I think as I sob into my pillow. ‘He is gone. I love him. He is my best friend.’ That is all I can repeat to myself as I fall deeper into hysterics.

                A soft knock on the door draws my attention. “Yeah?” I call softly. I watch the door open an inch and hear Judith’s voice. “I will leave if you wish, or I can stay. I don’t want you to be alone if you don’t want to be.” She whispers. “You can come in.” I manage to say through sobs.

Judith climbs into my high bed and places her arm around me, pulling me closer to her, then wrapping her second arm around me, hugging me tightly. “Let it all out. I am here for you if you need anything.” She whispers. Her words permitted me to cry in front of someone, and I let go. I cry harder than I ever have—a longing heartbreaking ugly cry.

                At some point, I fall asleep because I have a killer headache when I wake up. Judith is nowhere to be found, but she left a note on my bedside table. “Your Dad woke me. He is waiting for you whenever you wake up. Your mom pushed the party to later in the day so you could get some sleep. I will be around if you need me. -Judith,” I smile at her concern for me and her attention to the details I would worry about.

                I scamper off quickly for a shower before heading downstairs. Decorations line the walls for tonight, and I smile at them before walking into the kitchen, filled with a few sweet-smelling werewolves who all turn to me when I walk in. “Morning!” Dad calls from the head of the table. Sadden looks mark the people sitting next to him. “I want to apologize.” I begin as I walk to my father’s side, looking at Beta Gary. “Don’t you dare.” He says as he stands, then hugs me, which is very uncharacteristic for him. “Thank you for saving their lives. I understand wholeheartedly why you did what you did for them, but ultimately, you saved their lives last night. I am in your debt.” He says, bowing to me.

“As am I,” Rebecca’s mother states, standing from her seat and bowing to me. “We discussed what happened last night and who would bring them their items. Do you have any objections to their parents bringing them their items?” Dad asks me. “None at all. I think they need to see their parents right now. They need to see what true Beta looks like and what they must strive to become once again. I do not think they should be cut off from their parents at all.” I insist. “I agree.” Dad smiles. “Eat something, and then we will go.” He encourages me before returning to the others and formally allowing them to see their children.

                After eating, Dad drives me to the Doctor's office. Doctor Adam’s is waiting for us when we get there. “Hello, Alpha. Hello Briar.” She smiles and bows to us. “Hello, Doctor Adam’s.” We say almost in unison and look at each other and laugh. “Follow me.” She insists. We follow her into a large exam room. “Alpha, what concerns do you have that I need to check before I ask you to wait in the waiting room?” She asks. “May I?” I ask. “Sure.” Dad shrugs. “Since midnight, everyone around smells sickly sweet. Even you smell like fresh saltwater taffy. It is overwhelming. Then there is the fact that I could utilize an alpha tone, my strength feels up, my speed improved, and my anger is easily flipped into overdrive.” I look to my dad to see if I missed anything. “That is about it. That is all we need to know if you can ensure that she is ok.” Dad states. “Ok, we will get to it then. If you have a seat in the waiting room, I will call you back when we have results, Alpha.” Dr. Adams kindly sits him out of the room before starting the numerous tests.

                Dr. Adams finishes rather quickly with a smile, allowing Dad to join me again. “Everything seems just fine. Those who experience such drastic changes when they turn 18 usually change to match their mate's energy. So, the good news is that he is out there.” She smiles to reassure me. “What is the bad news?” I ask, slightly nervous. “Well, I am not sure I would call it bad news, just different. How strong you became and how quickly everything changed for you tells me that you are destined to be with someone powerful. Strong senses all around, scent, strength, even from what I hear with communication and punishments. All of this is a preparation for you finding your mate.” She looks at me, then my father, like she isn’t telling us something before asking. “Is there anything else I can help you with?” We agree that it is all, and she escorts us out of the building.

                On the way home, I see a small jewelry store and ask Dad to pull in for a moment. “Sure, what are we looking for?” Dad asks as we enter the store, and all the wolves’ eyes go wide seeing the Alpha in the store. Watching how wolves and humans act together while working when they see an Alpha enter the store is strange. Humans know and sense that he is essential, but they have no idea why. “We are looking for something for Judith,” I mumble as I examine the different cases. “Judith? Is it her birthday or something?” He asks while looking at a case with me. “Her birthday was last week. She has no friends, and I didn’t realize it. She looked after me last night in a way that no stranger should have ever been able to. She is one of the kindest, most honest people I have ever met. For being there for me and being an amazing person, I would like to get her a little something that lets her know that I appreciate who she is.” I admit to him. “That is a fantastic reason. Did she have a party that I missed last week?” Dad asks, pointing to a necklace. “No, she is an Omega; as I said, she has no friends. So, no one would have come if she had a party.” Sadness seeps into my voice, realizing how sad the situation truly is.

                We go our separate ways in the store, and I hear the muffled sound of Dad on the phone but ignore him as I find the perfect gift for her and ask someone to take it out of the case. It is a tennis bracelet. I found two charms to add to it before Dad comes back. “What did you decide on?” he asks, looking over my shoulder for the finished item. “That is perfect.” He insists. “I would say so,” I confirm before paying and walking outside. Dad follows behind me with a bag of his own. “What did you get?” I ask, trying to look into the bag. “I don’t have to tell you anything!” He laughs as he runs away from me to his side of the car.

                Mom meets us at home at the front door and whisks me away to my room before I can really step inside. “You get ready. Your outfit is on the bed. Let me know if you need anything at all.” “Mom?” I call her back into the room. “Yes, dear?” “Judith is on the list, right?” I confirm. “She is. Actually, your dad called me and asked if we could add a second cake for her. We can have it later when it is over if you would like. I was going to talk to you about it before cake.” “No, we can do hers with me. That would be perfect. Thanks, Mom.” “Any time, darling. I don’t want to take away from your special day, but we wanted to include Judith after what she has done for you.” “I appreciate that. Can I ask you something?” “Anything, you know that.” “When did you get your right-hand lady?” The words are out of my mouth before I have time to consider what I am asking. “Sue actually came from my pack with me. I knew in my soul that I would be a Luna, and Sue also knew it. So she stepped into that position long before I was mated to your father. He instantly said yes to her coming along with me. She has been my biggest supporter next to your father. Why do you ask?” “I think Judith has the qualities of a right-hand lady.” I look into her eyes and can tell she is thinking. “She is an Omega. You know that.” “I do. Are there any rules stating that an Omega cannot be a right-hand lady?” “None, but most will pick stronger wolves at their side.” “She is strong where I need her to be strong. When I am weak, she is strong. She is caring and considerate.” “If that is what you wish, then you should do that. But do a trial run as I did before you leap. Make sure she is strong enough to handle a strong alpha.” “Dad told you about the Doctor?” I ask, laughing. “We share everything.” She smiles. “Yeah. Let’s just hope I have a nice Alpha. Having to turn this strong so quickly makes me nervous.” “You will be just fine. Now get ready and get downstairs!” She insists.

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