
35. Making New Memories


“Wow. It’s beautiful.” Xenia speaks barely above a whisper as she eyes the scene behind me. My eyes on the other hand, are still trained on her.

“Yes, beautiful,” I respond but I’m not talking about the garden. I grab her hands and pull her as I walk backwards still refusing to look elsewhere. She never ceases to amaze me.

Tonight is a special night. After my research and finding out what I did, who she was to me, I wanted to do something special. Our first date had been ruined, after all. So, it is only natural I make that up to her.

The garden was blooming with greenery and colorful flowers. Fairy lights lit up the trees and walkways. Fireflies flew about, nearly skating on the pond where the waterfall ended. It is a sight indeed.

The way she smiled widely looking around at everything let me know she thinks the same.

I finally turn, leading her to her seat and pulling it out for her before I take the one across.

“This is amazing, Demetrius.” She looks at the food while t
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