
Chapter 13. You got to be joking?

"Do I know Summer Ray?" Ella questioned.

"Girl. Can you not be so frustrating. You are repeating everything I say like a parrot. If you want to ask the question, ask it in your brain and then supply me with the answer." Officer Simon's pulled his hair. " Stop beating around the bush. Answer the questions."

" Is she the girl that you think I am? Only because I look like her?" Ella asked dumbly.

"Answer the question!" Officer Simon's screamed out so loud that the female officer opened the door and peeped in.

" Is everything alright in here?" She asked politely.

"Just get out. Everything is fine." Officer Simon's replied rudely.

The officer closed the door quickly. Ella could here her footsteps scurrying away.

" Someone's got a temper." Ella joked. She was enjoying watching him crack.

" Miss Woods or Miss Ray. Which ever one you believe to be , answer the questions!" Officer Simon's cursed under his breath.

" I only heard about her on the news. I didn't know her personally. Do you think we were pen pals. I mean, I live all the way in Palm beach. How would I know anyone from Salt Rock? Don't you think your theory is whack?" Ella offered her opinion.

" I am making no theories here. You are the one speculating. I am asking the questions around here so just answer yes or no." Officer Simon's rose to his feet pulled his chair nearer to Ella.

He was so close, Ella could feel his hot, ginger breath on her pink cheeks.

He was now too close for comfort but she turned and stared into his eyes. They were warm and he held her gaze for a while before looking at the paper on his lap.

" Have you ever seen Summer Ray?"

" On the television!" Ella responded,looking at her hands in her lap. She avoided his gaze. His eyes made her feel like a suspect, although they were warm, they were also hypnotizing.

" What are you doing here in Salt Rock?" Officer Simon's asked picking up chin so that she could face him.

Ella blinked a few times," business."

"What business?" Officer Simon's stared at her face, trying to read her expression.

Ella wanted to say , none of your business but calmly replied," the La Vista hotel down on the south side, where your buddy picked me up from."

Before Ella could complete her sentence officer Simon's interrupted ." Your a hooker! I didn't picture you as that type."

" You b******. I am not a hooker. I own the hotel. I am here for real estate and to invest in the property market. Innovation and design, making this small shitty town into a landmark." Ella erupted. She could not help herself. How dare he call her a hooker.

"Oh." Officer Simon's eyes widened. " Do you know Brook Wilds?"

"No. Until she barged into my suite like a frantic lunatic." Ella replied.

"And Bobby Styles?"

"Bobby who? Is he one of the suspects?" Ella asked with fake curiousity. She wanted to gather as much inside information as possible. She would trick him into telling her.

" No. He is not a suspect!" Officer Simon's replied.

" The news on the television says otherwise." Ella smirked.

" Reporters lie." Officer Simon's spat out.

" And so the weather woman lies as well? " Ella laughed.

" Nnnnnn....nnnnno" officer Simon's stuttered.

This gave Ella the upper hand. His red ears and stammering was a clear indication of his nervousness.

" So then why is he behind bars?" Ella asked.

" The television lies. He is at home on his comfortable couch, watching himself on the television." Officer Simon's finally let the cat out of the bag. " Listen here you stupid little girl. I am doing the questioning."

Ella was happy she had extracted some good information. It will help her later on.

" Alright. I apologize. Please continue." Ella said politely.

" There are no more questions." Officer Simon's grinned." Now we can get the results so I can return you to the cell and solve this case. Mr Luke?"

Mr Luke pulled out the paper from the machine and held it up.

"I knew it , she was lying!" Officer Simon's jumped up of his chair to celebrate.

"Actually officer Simon's, I held it up so you can see that it is the same as the paper from the previous test. The one you have in your hand." Mr Luke replied.

" What? You are joking , right?" Officer Simon's choked out.

" I am afraid not." Mr Luke now held a serious expression. " You cannot hold her here. The polygraph test has been performed twice. She is not lying. All the days is accurate."

" Thank you Mr Luke for your service. You have done your job now let me do mine. The door is on your left ." Officer Simon's pointed to the door. His words were harsh and his attitude was disgusting.

Mr Luke packed up his equipment and left. He looked back at Ella with pity in his eyes as he closed the behind him. He knew he had to report back to Mr Ray immediately to make sure Ella was back at the hotel safe and sound soon.

" Come on you little lying imposter. Back to your cell. I'm sure another day here will make you come to your senses." Officer Simon's grabbed Ella by the arm and pulled her of the chair. He shoved her out of the and back to the cell.

As he fiddled with his the keys he heard high heels clicking against the floor, getting closer to him. It was accelerating rapidly and he turned around only to be face to face with a sexy brunette with blue eyes.

" Officer Simon's?" She asked.

"Yes." He replied like a gentleman.

" I am here representing Mrs Woods." She said

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