
Chapter 14. Dream part 1

" I'm here to represent Mrs Woods!"

The words were precise and silence fell upon the room.

Officer Simon's stood frozen. He did not expect an attorney to be present in the police station for this lying imposter. He had made sure that she had no access to her cellphone and she wasn't allowed to make her one call.

Officer Simon's gained his composure," Go straight through to the boardroom Mrs ? Sorry I didn't get your name."

"Mrs Smith." She replied sharply.

" Alright, Mrs Smith, I will just be putting the prisoner back in her cell. I will be with you in a minute." He stuck the key in the keyhole.

"I don't think so, officer Simon's. Ella Woods is my client and I would prefer her in the board room with me. She is not a prisoner." Mrs Smith eyes squinted as she stared holes into him.

"She is guilty." Officer Simon's turned the key.

" Innocent until proven guilty. I would like to see your proof." Mrs Smith shut the gate firmly. The swift movement made officer Simon's jump.

He had taken her to be delicate and fragile, by the structure of her body.

"Alright. " Officer Simon's held the cuffs tightly and tugged Ella along.

" Open the cuffs." Mrs Smith commanded.

" She is a prisoner. I just can't release her." Officer Simon's replied.

" A prisoner. I keep hearing this word from your mouth. She is here because you are an imbicile. You choose to offend one of the wealthiest woman in Palm beach. Do you know who I am?" Mrs Smith raised her voice. She was annoyed by his disgusting attitude.

" Yeah. You just told me. You are Mrs Smith!" Officer Simon's held a smug expression on his face.

" I am the best attorney in Salt Rock. I will crush you like a bug." Mrs Smith spat out. She pushed passed him and entered the captain's office. After a few minutes she was out again and back in his face.

"Bail has been posted. Please release Miss Ella Woods." The captain commanded.

Ella sighed in relief.

Soon she was back in her hotel suite.

After a grand meal and a hoy shower she lay on her bed, drifting off into a deep sleep.

Ella's dream begins.

I lay underneath the blanket of stars waiting for my mate. The full moon illuminated the sky. It was a sign of our full strength as wolves. My mate, Seth Rollins was the most beautiful creature I had met. The alpha, next in line to be the leader of the pack, he promised that I will always be his one and only love.

I knew that he was promised to the daughter of the neighbouring pack. It was promised at birth to keep the business between the packs good. Seth and Sheba were the link that held the packs together.

I knew this when I met him, I still know this now but he had promised to be only mine. I would be only his ,that today he would mark me. We will go to our parents and convince them to negotiate with the pack leader of the stark clan or we will just elope. Leaving this life behind, starting a new life and creating a pack of our own. We fluttered in our dreams since we were eleven years old. I never saw myself with anyone else. Seth was the only wolf that had my heart. I fantasized about this day. The day I turn eighteen, and today was the day.

The soft footsteps in the nearby bushes takes me away from my thoughts. I smelled his strong scent , the masculinity made my heart race. My body tingled and every hair on my body stood up. The adrenaline coursed through my veins. I was seeing my Seth after a month. He had been busy with college examinations, but today he promised he would see me. He would honour my birthday wish.

His hot breath against my neck sent tingles down my spine as I turned to look into his sea green eyes . His muscular chest brushed against my back and I nuzzled myself into him feeling the comfort from his broad frame. I always felt safe with him.

He had already taken his human form and his face was filled with desire. His cheeks were pink and sweat beads formed on his forehead. I used the palm of my hand to wipe his forehead before planting a kiss between his brows.

“You came.” I shrieked with excitement as I felt the chemistry between us intensify.

“Ella, tonight I want you . All of you.” He cupped my face and I was lost in his words.

He was like a drug. A drug I could not get enough off.

My body melted into his as he embraced me in his warmth.

“ I have not done this before, Seth.” I said in a low voice,” I thought we would wait until after marriage.”

Although I had a strange feeling of doom in my heart ,I ignored my intuition and have in to my desire.

Seth was a few years older than I was. I was a year out of school whilst Seth was a third year business student. My mother is a servant to their family from before I was born and I spent many days a week in their mansion ,where I met Seth who made me feel like a princess. I knew he had been around with many girls in college but that was what guys his age did. I could not be angry, it was the past and I know he is now with me, entirely. I always wondered why he would choose a daughter of a servant. I felt special knowing I was chosen by an alpha. I felt that this was my fate . The heavens had blessed me for my devotion to the moon goddess.

“Why wait? We have the rest of our lives.” Seth pulled me in, merging his lips with mine.” What difference would it make if we did it now or later”

His kiss left me breathless, wanting more. I had never felt so feverish before. I felt drugged, as if my body was on fire. Heat rose through my skin like rays of sunshine and I pulled him in closer.

“Don’t worry, I will be gentle.” Seth said kissing my neck.

Feeling his kisses on my neck and shoulders we tore the clothes off each other.

Entangled and in ecstasy, time seemed to be frozen, the only thing I could hear and feel were our hearts beating in the same rhythm. It was as if we were now one.

I felt like I was on a flying carpet and I never wanted to get off it. We kissed ,we grabbed, we nibbled and we wept.

When it was all over, I lay on my back, letting the moonlight highlight my soft ,white skin.

Seth traced his hand over my birth mark which was on the shape of a half moon.

He zipped up his pants and buttoned his shirt, ready to leave.

“Wait.” I yelled.,” Aren’t we going to speak to our parents.”

“ No.” He replied, not looking back.

I slipped into my dress and chased after him.

“ I am your mate. Why haven’t you marked me?” I cried . I didn’t understand what had just happened. Five minutes ago we were passionately in love and now he is running away .

“You naïve little girl. I told you what you wanted to hear. I gave you what you wanted tonight. But I cannot marry you. I am already fated and you knew that .” Seth started to morph into his wolf. He knew that I would be too tired to take my wolf form after what we had done.

“Come back.” My words were now just a plea of desperation in the quiet night.

Soon he was out of sight and I felt my whole world crumbling. I fell to the ground , weak and alone.” Happy birthday, Ella.” I cried hard for hours until the rays of sun illuminated my brown hair.

My eyes burned and I found a nearby stream to wash my face.

I knew mother could not see me this way. Looking down at my torn dress ,I tried my best to neaten it. I looked like I had been attacked.

Mustering all the courage I had in me, I ran home as fast as I could. All I wanted to do was scrub every inch of Seth off my body.

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