

My heart ached as I watched him being taken away, knowing that he was jealous that night and that there had been a mistake. I quickly gathered my thoughts and tried to devise a plan to help Drenver. I find my bag, my phone, and my belongings hurriedly.

I leave the house just to see someone I did not expect to be here in the middle of the night. It was Mr. Lee; he was leaning on his car.

I approached Mr. Lee cautiously, wondering what he was doing here and if he had anything to do with Drenver's sudden arrest. His expression was unreadable as he looked at me as if assessing my response.

"He needs to be in jail," he said quietly, his words sending a chill down my spine.

I couldn't believe what I heard. Is that the one he said before that he would take care of Drenver, which he said I should have done long ago?

Mr. Lee's words confirmed my suspicions, leaving me with a sinking feeling in my stomach. As I stood in shock, I realized that Mr. Lee's involvement in Drenver's arrest wa
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