
56. Mireille

My lungs were burning, mouth lolling open in shock at Raze’s hissed evil. Dee and Quinn’s screaming overtook my senses. Suddenly Raze’s thick hand lifted from my neck. I wheezed violently, close to convulsing like Brody, rolling over and hacking.

The two women had picked up the fallen blades and taken their vengeance. “You monster! You fucking monster!” Quinn raged, lifting the long silver blade up high like an executioner before plunging it into upper shoulder. Raze bellowed and roared but the two women had him pinned to the ground.

Quinn screamed as Dee jabbed at his kidneys. “All the times I had to go to your fucking room! You evil, sick bastard!”

No man stepped forward, though the other two women, Eila and Jo, were shouting and clapping for Quinn and Dee to finish him. Staggering to my feet, I glowered at the ten men before me. “You’re all cowards,” I croaked.

In a hoarse, squeal of a voice I cried “Quinn, Dee!” and they paused, knives frozen mid-air. Raze was crying out in pain,
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goodnovel comment avatar
Good for Dee and Quinn getting their revenge!

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