
In A Different World

Nora POV

I tried to open my eyes but the blinding light didn't let me. I stopped trying, letting the tears flow down my eyes. I was truly dead and in the afterlife with the moon goddess.

Why did I give that bastard the satisfaction of seeing me dead? I was totally useless and worthless. Maybe I should hunt him in my ghost form, at least that would teach him a lesson.

“ My princess, are you alright? Why are you crying?" I heard a melodious yet anxious voice in my head and a tap on my shoulder.

Did I just hear someone calling me a princess? Was I the daughter of the moon goddess? That would be great! I could just ask my mother to give me the power to hunt that bastard Carlos!

I quickly flung my eyes open, the blinding light piercing through it.

“ Ah!" I let out a scream, immediately shutting it again.

Even if she was the moon goddess, must everything inside her temple be white? I mean extremely white that I could swear it was all purely diamonds.

Slowly, I opened my eyes as I tried to adjust it to the environment. It worked and behold I was literally swept off my feet by what I saw. Everything inside the chamber smelled luxury, extreme wealth that I assumed only the gods could attain.

Was this truly the abode of the Moon goddess? I looked around and saw around four beautiful girls with their head bowed. Were they goddesses too?

Soon, I heard hurried footsteps and two people with powerful aura rushed into the chamber. The man was looking grim yet a tinge of joy couldn't be hidden from the extremely handsome face.

And the woman was crying, her face looking even more gorgeous despite the fact that she was crying. It also looked oddly familiar. Wait, why does she look so much like the older version of me?

But wait, wasn't I human? I can't meet the Moon goddess unless I was a werewolf. So, if this wasn't the moon goddess abode, where was I?

“ My daughter is finally back!" The gorgeous woman cackled, trying to stop her cries.

The powerful man came closer to me and I saw his face lit up with a smile. He sat closer to the woman as they looked at me lovingly.

“ I am dead, right?" I asked, staring at them.

A chuckle left the man's throat as he took my hands.

“ Dead? Of course not. That fall wasn't too high for a royal lycan to die. You are in your own kingdom, with your own people," his gaze was loving and a hidden relief washing over their faces.

“ My kingdom? Royal lycan?" Confusion was undoubtedly written all over my face.

“ You are our long lost daughter and the rightful Princess of the Golden Lycan Kingdom," The woman's face was beaming with joy as she explained to me.


If this was true, then it means I wasn't human right from the start! The moon goddess must be playing a trick on me. This was too good to be true, so, I pinched myself to see if it was real.

“ Ouch!"

With my little scream, my newly found parents let out a hearty laughter. The more I looked at the gorgeous woman, the more I couldn't deny that they were probably right.

She was the exact older version of myself but her hair was golden with scanty silver strands. She was truly beautiful with those hazel eyes gazing at me with love and care.

“ You are not dreaming, sweetheart. You are alive and a princess. We lost you when you were just three years old and we have been searching everywhere for you,” My new mother explained, squeezing my hands gently.

Then she added,“ If we knew you were in the kingdom of the werewolf, we would have combed everywhere just to bring you back earlier."

Who would have believed that the death attempt on my life by my mate would lead me directly to my real parents?

As I looked around, I saw that these people were quite powerful. I have heard stories of the Lycans' powers and how werewolves are scared of them. If I could be as powerful as them, then my revenge on Carlos was going to come true.

I felt my heart pricking in pain when I remembered my mate wanted me dead. As If the rejection wasn't enough, he wanted me dead too. Wasn't that too cruel?

With a determined look, I turned to my new parents. I wasn't going to allow anyone to trample on me anymore. If I was truly a Lycan, then there must be a way for me to bring out my true powers.

" I want to be powerful and I want to avenge those who wanted me dead!” my eyes filled with determination as they battled to fight off the tears.

I would never be weak again.

“ You will need to go through vigorous training for one year. It would help bring out your Lycan side-"

Training? That was an herculean task for someone as weak as me. I wanted to cry out but the thought of getting my revenge on Carlos strengthened my resolve. I was determined to train, no matter how tough it might be.

“ Welcome home, my princess," my father said, smiling.

“ Welcome home, your highness!" Everyone in the room chorused with a bow.

This was too good to be true and it felt like a dream.

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