
My Substitute Mummy!

Dan Hawk walked over back to the couch and sat on it, crossing a leg over the other.

"Then you and your father have no choice but to pay me back for everything I've done for you guys” He pushed the center table out of place effortlessly with his feet and gazed darkly back at them with a pointed finger at Ethan. "Including all the money I gave to your godforsaken dad which he spends on alcohol and women!” Dan said decisively.

Stacy felt her heart drop into the pit of her stomach.

Where would she get so much amount of money from?

"I thought you gave those stacks of money to my dad out of your own will? Why are you then requesting it back?” Stacy asked with a trembling lip.

"Out of my own will?” Dan repeated in a questioning tone. "Yes, I did that out of my own will. I did all that thinking you would end up becoming mine but now, you're being ungrateful to the almighty Dan Hawk who managed to get an interest in a naive countryside girl like you,” He spat venomously.

"You're not ready yet and I, Dan Hawk should find another woman who is much better than you,” Dan chuckled, his deep voice resonating in their little residence.

"But..can you give me some time to know how I'll gather up..”

Ethan didn't let Stacy finish her words before he grabbed the marriage contract papers and shoved it at Stacy’s face.

"Sign it!” Ethan commanded.

"No, Dad! I won't sign a paper that will become a bondage in my life. A bondage of pains and suffering!” Stacy retorted against Ethan's command boldly which shocked Ethan cause Stacy had never for once raised her voice at him that way.

Ethan, with fury in his eyes, grabbed Stacy’s wrist and pulled her along with him till he got to the center table, he took out a small pen from his pocket and forced Stacy to her knee.

"What are you doing Dad? Why are you doing this to me? I'm your daughter for crying out loud, Da!” Stacy cried, she was resisting but her dad seemed to have more strength than her.

With determination, Ethan forced the pen into Stacy‘s hand and he started scribbling on the contract papers, writing Stacy Hills on all sides of the paper.

"Daddy no no no no,” Stacy cried out, trying to pull her harmed away from his grip, tears clouding her eyes.

Dan Hawk had a pleased satisfaction on his face as he chuckled at the scene before him with a delighted smile on his face.

He didn’t get to do much. All he did was to just lit a little fire here and there and boom! everything lit up together! Cause Ethan Hills was clearly a fool who would do anything to make sure the money he got from Dan Hawk kept coming no matter what it took for him to make that happen.

"Mr. Hawk wants my daughter to be his wife and that’s what she will be!” Ethan declared through clenched teeth.

Dan chuckled at the fear and tension in the air all because of him. He found pleasure and satisfaction that he could cause such coercion in a home.

Chuckling, Dan's gaze unknowingly darted to the entrance of the sitting room.

His brows formed deep lines in confusion.

A well-known figure and magnate stood with authority there at the entrance of the shabby-looking home of his wife.

With surprise on his face, Dan stood up from the couch, completely ignoring the father and daughter cause he knew he had to make good use of the opportunity before him to stretch out his business.

He stood up from the couch to greet Bruce Yates. He stretched out his hand for a handshake.

"Mr. Yates, what a surprise! It's surprising to find someone as busy as you are here. I guess you received the letter from my company about the cooperation we'd like to have with you,” Dan tried to bring up a conversation but Bruce looked totally uninterested as he effortlessly shoved Dan to the side with one of his hand.

His stormy grey eyes stared at the scene before him like a swirling hurricane raging in his eyes as his gaze darkened intensely on the man forcing Stacy to sign a document.

Now he knew why Stacy sounded scared when she agreed to get married to him the previous day.

His gaze was like a violent hurricane going wild in his eyes as he peered deeply at them, most especially Ethan.

Dan was confused. "How could he disregard the first son and Successor of the Hawk legacy?” Dan clenched his fist, his jaw grinding. The way Mr. Yates shoved him aside was something no one had ever dared to do to him.

"Dad, this is madness! How can you do this to me? You don't even know who Dan Hawk truly is, yet you blindly follow his commands just for his material offerings," Stacy sobbed, her tears cascading down her delicate cheeks.

"I don't care! You are of no use to me anyway. Sooner or later, you will marry and leave this house. Instead of you ending up with someone insignificant who won't benefit me, I have no choice but to ensure you marry Dan Hawk, who holds more promise than any other man in the county," Ethan declared firmly, his resolve unwavering.

Ethan clutched Stacy's hand tightly, hastily filling out the contract papers until he reached the final page. Suddenly, Stacy tore the papers in two, the sound of shredding echoing through the room, leaving Ethan in stunned disbelief.

In a fit of anger, Ethan raised his hand, poised to strike Stacy across the face. However, before he could act, a chilling threat filled the room, freezing him in place.

"If you lay a hand on her, I will not hesitate to take every measure to ensure you are imprisoned for assaulting a woman, even if that woman happens to be your own daughter," a deep, menacing voice warned, causing Ethan's hand to pause mid-air.

"Yes! No one dares to hurt my substitute mummy!” A young girl's voice said, coming out from behind Bruce Yates. "If anyone dares, then they'll face a cruel punishment from my daddy,” She had a serious look on her.

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