
5. Turning Pages.

Alana's POV

"I never expected this from you." saying so she left the room.

"Jannie stop!" He stood up from me. Wearing his pants he ran behind her. And boom, reality hit me hard.

What have I done? No this is a dream, no nightmare! This can't be the truth. How can I give myself to the person I want divorce from? What the fuck actually happened to me? Wearing my clothes I left the room. They were arguing downstairs. I stood there only to listen to their talks.

"Baby please listen to me it's nothing like you are thinking-" 

"Wow just wow, I just saw you having sex with a stranger and you are saying it's nothing like that? Are you even serious? What you think I am a fool?" She shouted in his face. 

"Jannie, please at least let me explain-" 

"I don't want any explanations Chris, You betrayed me. You fucking betrayed me." She pushed him hard. She was again leaving but He held her hand. 

"Everyone has the right to explain Jannie please let me know once, please." he pleaded. He really love her

"Fine, just 5 minutes." she said while he nodded. He made her sit on the couch while he sat on his knees Holding her hands.

"I know what I have done is not acceptable but trust me it happened in the heat of the moment, she means nothing to me trust me." he said. 

"Ok for a second I am ready to believe but the main question is who she is and what is she doing here? Do you have any explanation for this?" She asked while he sighed. 

"Yes I have, All this is happening because of your brother." 

"What... Dan?" She was shocked. 

"Yes Dan, he was going to marry her but at the last moment he backed off and I had to marry her. It was all your brother's fault. He is the culprit." 

"You are married?" Obviously she was shocked. He sighed again.


"I can't believe I will go mad! Chris let me go. I can't take it anymore and also please stop lying. You know Dan is married and he has 2 kids as well. How can you lie about my brother?" 

"I am Not lying he fucking was cheating on both. He ruined Alana's life as well he was in a relationship with her from fucking 5 years can you imagine? What pain she must be going through right now."

"So you thought to take his place?" 

"Nooo! How should I explain to you Jannie? Jannie it was a mistake trust me I was caught by my desires and I am really guilty for it please forgive me." 

"Really? Bravo Chris you know what just fuck off Never show me your face again." saying so she left the house.

"Jann-" He looked at me. Taking long long steps he came towards me. 

"What were you watching? All this is happening because of you." I was shocked.

"What? Are you serious? Have I told you to do sex with me? How can you even blame me? I was the one to say I want to go away but no you pushed me to the wall doing everything." I burst out.

"Then why didn't you stop me, you should have, right?" He asked and I was quite obviously I didn't have the answer.

"No answer right now, great now get out of my way." he said, going towards his room.

Is he psycho or what? 


At night 

I Woke up feeling thirsty. I went down towards the kitchen. I was drinking water when suddenly two hands wrapped around my waist. I was shocked, I choked as the water was in my mouth. 

"I knew you would come back." he said I tried to loosen his grip on me but it was tight.

"Chris, leave me." 

"No I won't." 

"I am not Jannie, leave me Chris." I said. I was annoyed. 

"I said I am sorry, please leave this anger." He said nuzzling his nose in my neck.

"Chris, please leave me." I finally succeeded in pushing him away. I turned around.

"I am not going to forgive you so just leave my way." I said pretending to be Jannie. He is totally drunk. 

"But at least give me a chance to make everything okay." he said.

"No means no." saying so I left.He held my hand pulling me close. He is getting on my nerves now. 

"I won't let you go like this " 

"Chris enough is enough " I shouted. He left me instantly.

"Fine, okay you can go." he said and I left for my room. I lay down closing my eyes and suddenly the incidents Happened today echo in my mind.

What is happening in my life? I have no control on my life anymore. Chris just entered my life and now he is my husband. I don't even know him, yeah I admit we used to play together in childhood but I least remember anything. But today whatever happened between us was unexpected. I never thought I would do this! But the way I let him do everything doesn't feel wrong. Why? I have heard that marriage has power. Nothing feels wrong with your partner, is it really true? I never believed in these things because according to me if your heart is connected to someone else then you cannot be able to give any right to anyone else. But here everything has changed. I was not shy when he was touching me. I wasn't stopping him, why? What is going on? Argh this is so confusing! I closed my eyes to sleep. 

On the other hand 

Chris was drinking Alcohol one after another nonstop like an alcoholic.

"Alana Alana Alana! You are so naive you have believed everything Happened till now how innocent you are. Alas I can't let you know the truth or else my plan will never be able to succeed. I have to pretend everything. It's so difficult to stay away from you but I have to, it's ok I will till I get what I want." he smirked while drinking the last sip.

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