
Olivia: Reincarnation
Olivia: Reincarnation
Author: Nis


Olivia Rawles. A 20 year old woman who is still looking for directions in her life. At a relatively young age, Olivia is forced to feel the bitterness of a flow of life.

Olivia was the subject of gossip wherever she was. Nobody even cared about her, just because Olivia was already an orphan. The love of parents has disappeared, eaten by the termites of time, the happiness that he always hopes for is always eroded by scolding and abuse.

Tonight, such a busy night. The highway is full of fast track by motorized vehicles. Hysterical shouts from all over the place, especially on the sidewalks. Olivia is enjoying the city noise by humming softly at a roadside stop.

The pleasure was shattered when his gaze fixed on a teenager who was being warmly held by his parents. Olivia clamped her hands together to get rid of the jealousy that always came to her.

"When was I like that?" murmured Olivia questioningly. Often he wanted to be like other children. Loved and cared for by both parents, but both parents have to meet the creator first.

Olivia's gaze fell when she felt she could no longer hold back jealousy mixed with longing. Olivia cried silently, only the tears continued to flood her cheeks. From time to time, Olivia was chanting a prayer for the parents during her tears.

Olivia cried silently, it was normal for her. People were passing by, without wanting to care what caused Olivia to cry like that. No one wanted to ask why what else to care about Olivia. It felt like it would be impossible if there was one person who cared among the thousands of people around him.


Olivia spreads a thin plastic carpet under the under bridge. The place was very shabby, but he had no other choice to take shelter and sleep in the night.

Many people around him, even those from the lower classes. It's the they same as Olivia. In a way, Olivia and everyone here are almost the same fate.

Olivia put herself to sleep when she finished laying out the carpet that she found two weeks ago in a garbage dump. Olivia's two beautiful eyes were fixed on the empty night sky. The sky was filled with black clouds, without the moonlight and the stars were shining.

"Olivia," someone called, making Olivia can't help but have to get up and sit down again.

"Yes, what's wrong, Na?" Olivia answered Nana's call --- a woman her age.

"Where have you been this afternoon? Many children have been waiting for you until late afternoon, but you never came. Poor them, even though they want to study with you."

Olivia patted the forehead lightly. He even forgot to teach the children around him, because they were too focused on lamenting their fate.

"I'm sorry, Na. I had an urgent matter, and I also forgot to tell you."

"For me, that's fine, Olivia," said Nana, "but I feel sorry for the children. Earlier they were very enthusiastic about studying with you."

Olivia lowered the curve of her smile. "I feel bad about them."

"Me too," said Nana, "but if you're not busy, you can, right, teach them with me? I think, they'll be happy."

"Sure! I will definitely teach them. Thank you, Nana, for reminding me. If only, you didn't give me a warning, I will definitely forget tomorrow too."

Nana laughed briefly.

"Yes, then. I'll go to my bed, yes. Good night, Olivia."

"Good night too, Nana."


Olivia stepped along the sidewalk. He did not carry a medium sized tin can, because he did not beg. He also didn't bring along an old guitar, because he didn't want to busk.

Olivia wants to work at the age of 20 this year. Apart from having to teach some of the small children around her, she also wants to make money like other girls her age. Don't go too far into finding examples, like Nana for example. Nana has even worked at a mini-market in the city since a year ago. So when will Olivia come to work?

"Look! Olivia the child under the bridge is coming!" exclaimed a burly man. Together with his two friends, the man faced Olivia's street.

Olivia was forced to stop in her tracks. He looked fearfully at the three men who were dressed like thugs.

"What do you want?" Olivia asked straight to the point. Although that question sounded like a brave person, in fact Olivia's heart was beating faster. The woman was afraid to them  when she found out that three hungry stares were fixed on her.

"Money. Give your money for me!" The man who was standing on the far right answered.

"I have no money!" Olivia replied.

"Lies mostly, Girl!" The man in the middle approached Olivia so that Olivia herself had to take her steps back.

"Do not come close!" said Olivia, who was immediately greeted with terrible laughter by the three thugs.

"Are you afraid of me?" asked the man who approached Olivia, "give your money, then we will leave as soon as possible from your presence."

"I told you, I have no money!"

"Lies! You two hold the hand of this stupid child!" said the man to his two friends.

Olivia swallowed her hard saliva. He looked one by one the thugs who were also looking at him with a hungry gaze. Looks like Olivia will be prey to many times by them. And, Olivia will never allow that to happen!

Olivia continued to take her steps backwards, trying to avoid the three thugs. He accelerated his steps backwards, until it was like someone was running.

"Don't run, you fool!" the wrath of the man who had been talking to Olivia.

Olivia paid no heed to the man's wrath. He kept running to avoid the three thugs who always messed with him. They always wanted to win Olivia's crown as a woman, if Olivia didn't give them the amount of money she wanted.

"Don't ..., not now," softly Olivia who kept running accompanied by tears that wafted freely in the strong wind.

"Oh my God ..., let Olivia be happy for just a little while. Olivia doesn't want to fall prey to the hunger of those three perverted thugs! Help Olivia, God!" asked Olivia during the running steps


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