
Chapter Ninety-one: DIVINE HELPER.


It was hard to believe my reality. How did I go from being an Omega girl to a she-wolf training to reclaim her territory?

The house on the hills Matt had taken me to was the only reminder I needed. I had to give in all I could to secure my mother's territory. It was going to be hard but I must scale through.

My wolf was a stubborn one, no matter how hard Chase and Alan tried to Jace my shift, it was futile. It was disappointing, I hate to think I disappointed them.

"The battle is in a few days," Luca joined me that morning on the hill where I went through my morning drill the next morning.

"I'm scared." It was the first time I had admitted this aloud since the previous day.

Stan had challenged the number one commander position. None of us saw that coming. If they did, they had not prepared me prior.

"Stan's a pretty strong wolf but if the goddess kept this destiny for you, be rest assured she won't leave your side."

"What if this isn't my destiny?" I sighe
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