
Chapter Two: THIS SCARES ME!


My heart momentarily ceased beating the second my thick lashes flickered open, locking on the mesmerizing eyes gazing right at me.

Instantly, I averted my gaze, squinting at the brightness of the room. The lights were blinding and the sheets felt comfortable. My eyes darted across from where I lay in the big bed.

It was a luxuriously furnished room with comfortable beddings and Colton's patchouli intermingled sweetly with the roses in a white vase by the corner.

Alpha Colton was all I thought of. Sitting up in the bed, my wounds were healed and my head was void of the excruciating pain from earlier. Tears filled my eyes. I had survived again. Something I didn't mean to. Fear clung onto my inside now I could sense power emanating from Colton. The Alpha aura.

Colton was a ferocious Alpha who was a force to be reckoned with. He was better as an ally than a foe. I had unbelievably gotten on his blacklist which had automatically placed me as his foe, and I was still paying for it.

My gaze remained fixated on the white sheets keeping from wandering his way, for I saw the spite in his eyes.

Colton exhaled audibly, his red eyes darkened as though I had just stepped on him. He was mad at me. He resented me. He could've easily left me to die in the front office. Yet, he chose a little act of kindness. For the first time, I had received such kindness from him. From the people around me.

My wounds were healed. He healed me with his healing power. It had to be. It was the only logic behind my speedy recovery. My wolf was slow when it came to healing and waking up to a sound body meant a higher power had interfered.

I didn't see the need to laze around, sticking around for long meant spoiling for whatever was brewing in his dark mind. But he was watching me. His dark menacing gaze was heavy on every subtle move I made from where he stood by the window.

"I finally figured out why the Goddess chose to spare your goddamn ass!" He said absently, looking out the window.

I watched his broad back against me. His bulging muscles were finely defined underneath the white crew-neck shirt he wore and his silky coral red strands were brushed neatly.

Not knowing what to say to his words for fear of intercepting his words or heightening his annoyance, I bit my tongue and only fearfully watched him with trembling fingers.

When the silence became eerily long, he moved from the window to where I sat in the bed.

My heart thrashed frantically against my chest. He came oddly closer to me, leaning over to match my height on the bed, blessing my heart with the sexiest smile I had ever seen. Colton was a very handsome ruler.

"You have a purpose to serve. Don't be a total waste, get up and get dressed. We want you in good shape for tomorrow!" He chuckled, taking in the confusion on my face with a humorous smirk.

There was a quick knock on the door and a few seconds later the door went open and Maeve, the head Omega, quietly slipped into the room.

I was still wondering what was going on when the middle-aged lady led me to the bathroom connected to the bedroom. 

The jacuzzi filled up in no time as Maeve brought out some thick immaculately white towels urging me to strip into the tub. Blood flooded my cheeks at the thought of stripping before the lady I admired the most.

Maeve was kind to not just me but to the entire Omega community which had earned my respect. I loved and respected her but I was not bodily confident enough to strip in front of anyone.

I hesitated by the closed door, watching the lady nod me over to the jacuzzi.

"We know what could happen if we keep Alpha Colton waiting?" Maeve tried to goad me.

"I'll do it on my own!" I flushed at my words, looking down at my fingers.

"Okay then, I'll change the bedding and then wait in the closet!" Maeve handed me the towels, "Call me if you need any help!" Maeve stepped out of the bathroom with a soft click on the door.

Quickly, I peeled down the blood-stained dress from the rogues' attack earlier. My gaze snagged on the girl staring back in the mirror. She was skinnier than before and the bags under her eyes were terrible. Her swollen arms from before had now healed and her auburn matted hair was a dry and tightly knotted clump. This was what I looked like.

I heaved a sigh, looking around the bathroom, not knowing where to begin. 

All I thought of as I washed my hair and had a bath was why Alpha Colton had suddenly considered treating me differently. He never allowed me to be this close. He never wanted to associate with me and then one event hurled me to one of the suites in his mansion.

The punishment he must have in stock had to be a lethal one. I had survived all his punishments and he had taken a new approach to kick things up. If I was going to be comfortable with this new approach then my being was not ready for what was to come.

I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around my head and another wrapped securely around me. Maeve led me to the closet which was empty with just a few dresses, shoes, and purses on the rack.

Maeve helped me dry, strengthen, and comb out my hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves cascading my back like a waterfall. It looked more beautiful than I had ever seen it. A smile twitched on my lips.

Then I stepped into a black dress Maeve had selected for me. I had never worn anything this nice, or close to being this fancy. With powder and Jewelry, I bounced off a different person.

"This scares me." Maeve whispered to my ears.

She must've seen my stricken face.

"I'd love to be cremated in this dress. I know I will never survive this one." I sighed as the smiles left my face.

"It's our fate as Omegas," Maeve murmured.

"In my next life, I want to be an Alpha, and Colton would be an Omega then I'll weigh out and serve him the same amount of punishment. The Goddess damns him and he gets fated to me again only then would he learn just how tough the nut is from this end." Tears blinded my vision.

"Don't cry." She shushed quietly.

"I haven't done anything wrong to him. I wouldn't even choose to be his mate if I had that choice, there are lots of other handsome wolves in this pack. I'd so much prefer to remain unmated. But I swear in our next lives Colton is going to pay. Heavily." I allowed my tears to drop.

"Such a cute little story!"

The heavy tone at the door drifted both their attention to Colton's 7'4 ft figure leaning slightly against the frame with his lips quirked up humorously. His eyes softly wander my body.

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