
38. The Day After

When I woke up in the morning, I was sore but in a good way. There was a lazy smile plastered on my face as I remembered the activities of the previous night. Gwaine had cuddled me to sleep, his arms wrapped around me protectively for as long as I could remember. I turned to kiss my lover good morning. His side of the bed was cold and empty; he wasn’t there. I held my breath and listened for any sound in the room but there was nothing, everywhere was silent. I searched the darkness for any movement but there was nothing still.

“Gwaine?” I called out, leaving the bed and heading towards the bathroom, all the while hoping he was in there. There was no response and except from the sounds I was making, the room was quiet. My sight blurred as tears formed in them. I placed my hands over my mouth in a crude attempt at keeping myself from crying.

I looked about the room expectantly, hoping to see a note or anything handwritten to tell me where he had gone. There was nothing. Picking up what
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