
Chapter 19 Plan

"Quen, can I still join there?" I asked my boyfriend because I saw that there was an audition in the TV Channel.

"You already join there the previous year right?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I believe in a perfect timing, maybe this is the right time for me. I still wanna try Quen." I said.

"Okay, I'm the host of that contest Katie. So you are going to studio in what day?" He asked.

"When I am done with my tasks in the theatre production office, and I will tell them that I'll join so they wouldn't be surprised if they saw me on T.V." I said while smiling.

"I recommend, don't tell them Kate. Let them be surprised if they saw you on the T.V competition." Quen said.

"Why? I still signed a contract to them right? So they deserve to know." I insisted.

"Katie, they didn't explain the contract to you? Your contract was only for the Aleiahe and Alleana Musical. Not for the entire year, you can go out anytime you wanted to go. They didn't handled you. Majesty handled you. Majesty, Katie." He explained.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I feel sad, they didn't even told me that condition! Good thing there's a management that handled me right now.

"They did that to you Katie, so show them how far will you take. I am here to support you." He said and caressed my back.

"I'm going to the office now, I'm getting my stuffs. I don't belong there." I remember some of my important things are on their locker.

"Not this time Katie, your super cute boy best friend is there hihi." And with that, I know who is he referring to, he was reffering to Nicko.

"It's okay." I said.

"I know Nicko will be the director of the contest and there are 2 hosts, I'm the one and the other one is female." He said.

"Who is the female?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"Eyy, I don't want to tell you, you'll get mad on me." He said so I rolled my eyes.

"I will get mad if you will not tell me who that girl is!" I exclaimed.

"The girl is Alex haha, Alexandria Sayson." He immediately gave me a peace sign while laughing.

"Bad! Bad Enrique!" I pouted.

"You said I should tell you right? I just followed you my sweetest girlfriend." He winked his eyes. I'm angry! Arghh!

"I don't wanna talk to you for over a month, I'm angry Enrique Louis Mikaelle." I say his full name so it will be intense hihi.

"I wanna believe you but there's a hint that you are just kidding, isn't it?" He puppy eyed so I immediately laughed.

"Be thankful Kiko is not here, if my baby is here for sure he's going to fight with you, Kiko don't want me to get hurt. Even if you are his Dad now, he's going to bark all over you." I said.

"Well, thanks to Gabby. She brought your little poodle into the pet grooming, is it shop or center? Anyways, do you have plans later?" He asked.

"Rehears, I want to be good on the audition." I said.

"Don't pressure your self too much okay." He caressed my back and kissed my forehead.

"There's no room for failure again, Quen." I said while straightly looking at his eyes.

"You are not a failure Katie, for how many times do I need to told you that you are not a failure? Maybe that was not your time, we have our own time to be in our spotlight Katie." He said.

"I need to be good Quen, I don't want to disappoint my parents again, they're coming back here to Philippines for the grand finals but I didn't won. I don't want that to happen again." I said.

"Just don't pressure your self okay, if you need tips, coach, I am here, Kate. Okay?" He hugged me again before leaving my condo. And aside of my dream to be a grand winner, I also want to have my own home.

I don't have something to do so I just get my phone from my sling bag and do some catch up with my fans, it's been a while since I've last talked to them.

ziasalonga: ate Kate, I think this is cute for Kiko.

I laughed hard because it was attached with a photo of a poodle who was cut it's hair into an awkward look.

katieromero: you're so funny Zia, how are you?

ziasalonga: I'm good ate.

I think I'm done sending my fans a message, I'm going to live stream. I'll announce it to my supporters so they can prepare.

katiemeaganromero: Hi guys, I'm going live in a bit, see you around.

When I was done setting up my apparatuses, I turned on my camera, it's already recording.

"Hi guys, thank you for joining in." I greeted all of my viewers, I can saw their comments because I'm only using one phone not like if streaming by the managements, it have controllers.

"Does anyone here knows how to click this? Sorry, I'm newbie hihi." I said while making a cute smile, I don't know what to click if there is one requesting to be on my stream.

‘the one who is on the right side ate Katie.’

I read the comment, it worked.

"Welcome to the stream Jerina, how are you? You wanna sing or dance?" I immediately asked my fan, she's like a sister to me.

"Hello sweetest Katie, I'm okay, how about you?" She asked me too.

"Okay too, I conducted this stream because I wanna practice my voice. Even I don't know the song I'm trying right? Cause I'm preparing something hihi, you will be happy if I reveal, but I don't want to do that hihi." I tell them.

"Are you alone again? Where's your dog?" She asked.

"Ah Kiko's not here, Gabby take him somewhere. They'll come back later before evening." I said.

"Jerina. Could you sing with me?" I asked.

"Oh, how I want to Katie but I can be out of tune if I'm singing with you, I'm a shy type baby hehe, I'll leave instead, okay? Bye, I love you Katie." I just smile, my friends are not watching, I have no one to sing with, I just sing mellow song.

"Thank you for the virtual gifts." I waved my hand, someday I will still stream but in a bigger audience. Someday.

When I won.

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